Recent content by Rasmus

  1. Rasmus

    I used to be so productive before children lol.

    I used to be so productive before children lol.
  2. Rasmus

    Gonna play a Christmas theme DnD one shot today! Super excited.

    Gonna play a Christmas theme DnD one shot today! Super excited.
  3. Rasmus

    Thanks! Yeah it was okay. I don’t do my obligatory folks visit now that I have babies and COVID...

    Thanks! Yeah it was okay. I don’t do my obligatory folks visit now that I have babies and COVID kinda messed up what normal holidays were. It snowed on Christmas here! That was pretty magical. Kiddos are sick so no snow angels though whatcha do for Christmas?
  4. Rasmus

    3847 new posts left to read…I’m going to be here awhile.

    3847 new posts left to read…I’m going to be here awhile.
  5. Rasmus

    Wow I have been gone a long time. I have to read a crap ton of posts to get caught up

    Wow I have been gone a long time. I have to read a crap ton of posts to get caught up
  6. Rasmus

    Got married and had two kids Miss ya’ll.

    Got married and had two kids Miss ya’ll.
  7. Rasmus

    You are a cool guy with interesting things to least that's what I remember :smile:

    You are a cool guy with interesting things to least that's what I remember :smile:
  8. Rasmus

    do you talk to yourself.out loud?

    Yes, but only when I am alone.
  9. Rasmus

    What street sign are you?

  10. Rasmus

    Do you believe that Jesus Christ rose from the dead?

    Surely you jest being that the New Testament (where we find the death and resurrection accounts of Jesus) is translated from Greek. The Old Testament (where Jesus, as a man, was not yet born) is translated from Hebrew and Aramaic. As far as "where you're coming from" is concerned, and with all...
  11. Rasmus

    Do you believe that Jesus Christ rose from the dead?

    Here are some scriptures to chew on for you O so eager debaters. Yes I do. After the crucifixion: After the resurrection: Also, the bible does not state that the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus were at all parables. The writers go to great lengths to separate what they believed...
  12. Rasmus

    Would you shop nude for free groceries?

    Not in a million years and not for a million dollars.
  13. Rasmus


  14. Rasmus

    Does anyone have a right to save you from yourself?

    The right? Hmm, that’s difficult to say. Who determines their rights? Without a standard the word “right” is a slippery thing to nail down. For example, you could say I have the right to discipline my children in the way I see fit but there are laws in place that take away my right to discipline...
  15. Rasmus

    Transgender Children

    Ahh crap. Okay, I’m not gonna get my briefs in a bind about sexuality issues. Without coming to some common ground about what is natural, healthy, or morally good those kinds of discussions are pretty pointless. I seriously doubt we can agree on all or any of those standards so why freakin try...