Recent content by rdeaf

  1. rdeaf

    VIVID Dreams...

    Example: Floating underwater in a suspended rusty iron cage shaped like a rib cage but tapering to a small opening at both ends. To make things stranger I'm having a deep conversation with two the two large sharks that are calmly circling the cage. However despite the friendly conversation I...
  2. rdeaf


    I've been spending time doing what INFJ's do best; help other people, we're natural protectors of the downtrodden, so I chose to work with the suicidal - to help them see what they cant themselves; it ended today because I got drained very fast and the holiday season is fast upon us; I'm working...
  3. rdeaf

    Toxic People type? Have you already met one?

    My ex is an ISTP. We are still best friends, but I cannot live with him. He is so toxic that my lips turn blue and my bones ache when we live together. He is brilliant and sees the world with so much more clarity, but he does not care about people. And he doesn't think emotional people are...
  4. rdeaf

    A world with no death

    Would there be love if there were no death? It seems as if they are connected. I've been thinking about this since my grandparents died. Grandma first after being together for over 65 years. Grandpa was crushed and died 3 months later. I couldn't help but notice the connection between their...
  5. rdeaf

    Sad Video

    Beautiful! Thanks for sharing this. I loved it.
  6. rdeaf

    A world with no death

    I have been thinking lately about the pain of losing loved ones. Pets, friends, family. Waiting at the end of a long and loving relationship is loss. No way around it--right? So imagine a world with a finite number of people, animals and plants. What if death didn't exist and these numbers...
  7. rdeaf


    I feel that I am happiest when I am left alone but still around other people. I don't like to be ignored, but when I have a task to do and it is understood by everyone, and we are all working as a group and we are all focused--that is my favorite way to socialize. Now if everyone was...
  8. rdeaf

    Telepathic (and such) dreams?

    My dreams have "counseled" me for as long as I can remember. And I never forget the dreams. I cherish them. For me it's always been a God thing too. But here is a new experience that blew my mind this week. I was walking my dogs and they smelled something in the grass and got all...
  9. rdeaf

    What Motivates You as an INFJ?

    I can really relate. If I don't have something unique to offer then I automatically feel as if I am being forced to compete. If I feel like I have to compete I back way off, do my best, but fade into the background as much as possible. As far as taking control. I can do that too, but not...
  10. rdeaf

    What's your cause?

    To teach people that emotions are not separate from our physical body, but part of it--we need to understand and value what we feel. I see so many people who are sick because they are hurting emotionally and then they encapsulate it in their bodies and disease or pain is created. But...
  11. rdeaf

    Why are we here?

    I think about this a lot. The more I give into my intuition the stronger it gets. It has to have a purpose.
  12. rdeaf

    INFJ Defenses

    And you can tell when people are just humoring you! That's even worse I think. Hope the gloom clears quickly for you.
  13. rdeaf

    INFJ Defenses

    As an INFJ, I often go mute and gloomy when I don't know how to communicate. It just seems as if saying nothing at all is the best course of action. This is always misinterpreted, and then it's even harder to "get back to normal". I really like being an INFJ, but it is very lonely and...