Recent content by Reason

  1. Reason

    Food Idiots (and also: are the Brits bad at cooking?)

    German shadow world government: "Eat ze boogs, live in ze pod" Norf England shadow world government:
  2. Reason

    Thanks for the likes

    Thanks for the likes
  3. Reason

    Food Idiots (and also: are the Brits bad at cooking?)

    I'm going to respectfully disagree here. I would honestly rather eat a factory produced snack cake that is 99.9999999 percent vegetable oil and sugar than to ever touch my taste buds against 'bean lasagna'. :m063:
  4. Reason

    Food Idiots (and also: are the Brits bad at cooking?)

    It's not that difficult to make healthy foods like vegetable stew taste good if you know what you're doing. Just a bit of salt and pepper maybe is all you'd need for that. Ideally you want food that's healthy and delicious but barring that at least having either health or flavor is still good...
  5. Reason

    Food Idiots (and also: are the Brits bad at cooking?)

    I suppose some of my cynicism on this subject could just be my bias from watching """chefs""" online. There is much you can find online that is being presented as practical quality recipes that are in fact blueprints for rather nightmarish inedible slop
  6. Reason

    Food Idiots (and also: are the Brits bad at cooking?)

    Boiling raw beef... Boiling everything in fact. No seasonings at all- not even salt or pepper, it was just horrific.
  7. Reason

    Food Idiots (and also: are the Brits bad at cooking?)

    Speaking of food idiots and "savory" gelatin:
  8. Reason

    Food Idiots (and also: are the Brits bad at cooking?)

    I'm pretty sure those flying rats will eat anything John ;)
  9. Reason

    Food Idiots (and also: are the Brits bad at cooking?)

    Oh yeah I definitely felt some genuine revulsion in learning about the people who wash their chicken with dish soap before cooking :dizzy:
  10. Reason

    Food Idiots (and also: are the Brits bad at cooking?)

    I think cheap processed foods, despite being unhealthy can at least be made to taste good if you know how to cook with them properly. However it takes a special kind of person to mess up a fresh ribeye steak. And again, I'm not including food that is lackluster because of poverty. Just food...
  11. Reason

    Food Idiots (and also: are the Brits bad at cooking?)

    After watching videos of British people do things to food that should get them hanged in any just world I actually started to form a connection in my head between them and what I'd call 'food idiots' here in the states. For clarification sake: food idiots are people who can take even luxury...
  12. Reason

    Likewise sir, I hope you are in good health and good spirits

    Likewise sir, I hope you are in good health and good spirits
  13. Reason

    Does the future look bright to you?

    I tend to oscillate between bad in the short term followed by good vs a golden age. I'm leaning towards the former lately. I think we're rapidly approaching a breakdown in globalism and it's going to be particularly nasty trying to reorder everything quickly.
  14. Reason

    Does the future look bright to you?

    Do you think the future for humanity looks positive (however you would personally define that)?