Recent content by RedInAK

  1. RedInAK

    Is MBTI becoming old?

    I don't think the concept/theory of MBTI in and of itself is outdated, however, the way in which people try to use it very much is. Cognitive functions, Jungian thought, and the theories within are very multifaceted. They shouldn't be used as yet another way for human beings to get shoved in a...
  2. RedInAK

    What podcast are you listening to?
  3. RedInAK

    1. New job and have received two promotions within the last 7 months. It's a great job within a...

    1. New job and have received two promotions within the last 7 months. It's a great job within a non-profit 2. Got diagnosed with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (From my previous post about my workplace injury) My boss didn't believe me ;) I only feel pains upon gross overuse now.
  4. RedInAK

    3. I have moved three times over eight months. I am in an apartment with my best friend now but...

    3. I have moved three times over eight months. I am in an apartment with my best friend now but will probably move again by August. 4. I became a wannabe DnD nerd! My brother showed me a DnD Podcast, I really want to find a party to play with.
  5. RedInAK

    Hello! Life has been quite the whirlwind (to put it lightly). Sorry, I dropped off the map for a...

    Hello! Life has been quite the whirlwind (to put it lightly). Sorry, I dropped off the map for a while there, so this next post will be a bit long.
  6. RedInAK

    Do you think that psychology is influencing the populous, or vice-versa?

    This was a fantastic read, thank you! I’m really glad you took the time to write this. When I had made this thread I was trying to tumble out my thought before I lost it, so I wasn’t able to fully think about it like I usually would due to my current business. I think a lot of what you said...
  7. RedInAK

    Do you think that psychology is influencing the populous, or vice-versa?

    Hehe, there is a typo. Do I know how to edit it? Nope. I meant to say; "I DO NOT THINK PEOPLE SHOULD BE FORCED" heh... My bad.
  8. RedInAK

    Do you think that psychology is influencing the populous, or vice-versa?

    I totally get what you're saying. I do think that people should be forced into boxes and told the only way to be 'normal' is to take medication, or that the way they are is wrong. I think that if someone is struggling with something they should be able to explore various ways in which they can...
  9. RedInAK

    Do you think that psychology is influencing the populous, or vice-versa?

    This is true, I can understand that. I apologize if the contents of the post aren't fully thought out, I'm attempting to put out my jumbled thoughts (some in which aren't fully coherent or thought through). I'm not as familiar with pop psychology, thanks for bringing it more to my attention, I...
  10. RedInAK

    Do you think that psychology is influencing the populous, or vice-versa?

    In this day and age I find it incredible disturbing that psychology is leaning more and more toward the popular opinion rather than the facts of the matter. It seems that rather than asking the hard questions that people don't want to ask, psychology is bowing to the general flow/opinion of the...
  11. RedInAK

    Has the field of psychology failed men?

    I completely agree with you. It's extremely infuriating and disheartening.
  12. RedInAK

    Has the field of psychology failed men?

    I've often thought about this, being a woman interested in psychology I have found myself asking this question. I believe that men in today's culture are not only less understood, but blatantly bullied just for simply being men (at least in the US). It's really sad honestly. I'm sure that...
  13. RedInAK

    [INFJ] I asked ChatGPT to write a poem about INFJ in the style of Tolkien.

    Tolkien was a wonderful poet and excellent writer. I have much respect for him. :)
  14. RedInAK

    [INFJ] I asked ChatGPT to write a poem about INFJ in the style of Tolkien.

    Here it is: In the land of Middle-earth, Where the light and shadows meet, There dwells a rare and precious kind, Whose soul is pure and sweet. The INFJ is their name, A creature of both light and dark, With empathy and intuition keen, And a heart that leaves its mark. Their wisdom is a...