Recent content by Ren

  1. Ren

    Let's make fun of philosophers

    Classic. Poor Heidegger!
  2. Ren

    No way! Whereabouts are you, Prof. Mintoots?

    No way! Whereabouts are you, Prof. Mintoots?
  3. Ren

    Thankssss min! It's really good to hear from you :hug: I read you were in the process of moving...

    Thankssss min! It's really good to hear from you :hug: I read you were in the process of moving recently, is that all behind you now? Are you still in academia?
  4. Ren

    Good to hear from you too, just me. : ) I hope you've been keeping well.

    Good to hear from you too, just me. : ) I hope you've been keeping well.
  5. Ren

    Hi charlie, my latest update on enneagram is 146 tritype, with likely core 6 but also possible...

    Hi charlie, my latest update on enneagram is 146 tritype, with likely core 6 but also possible core 1. What about you? Have you heard of Cognitive Type by the way?
  6. Ren

    INFJ - what job do you do? Are you happy and fulfilled?

    lol, well I was being half facetious. I work for an organisation that supports the work of Catholic missionaries. It's a faith-based NGO. So I do work for the church in some way but not on the evangelical side of things.
  7. Ren

    Let's make fun of philosophers

    I tried reading the Phenomenology of Spirit a couple months ago, 10-15 years after my first attempt. A few days of pain later: "Okay, I'll just rely on what the podcasts say" lmao.
  8. Ren


    I wonder why every strong protagonist of Nietzche ever has been INTJ :laughing:
  9. Ren


    Oh, that's a shame. Did he give any reasons?
  10. Ren

    I have a serious doubt that torments me

    Oh, right. Then I don't know what it would mean to have an 'objective' relationship with another human. It doesn't sound like something I would want.
  11. Ren

    I have a serious doubt that torments me

    Well, there is an argument for direct realism (John Searle would be a proponent) that claims we do see reality objectively. It is true that we have a certain way of seeing reality, i.e. an aspectual way, or reality-under-an-aspect. But aspectualism is compatible with objectivism. And most...
  12. Ren

    Thanks John. I'm going to try to properly come back this time ^^" Glad to hear you've been...

    Thanks John. I'm going to try to properly come back this time ^^" Glad to hear you've been enjoying my videos. I always keep up to date with your comments.
  13. Ren

    Thanks for the tip. I'm going to get back into the swing of things gradually. Hopefully I'll...

    Thanks for the tip. I'm going to get back into the swing of things gradually. Hopefully I'll manage to bring it back into a routine!