Recent content by Ria

  1. R

    Hello Kammy, thanks for the PM! I'm doing quite well thanks, but am just super busy with my...

    Hello Kammy, thanks for the PM! I'm doing quite well thanks, but am just super busy with my real life demands, lol. Please feel free to email me anytime, and perhaps if you'd like to, include your facebook info so that we might touch base there. I'm not on facebook regularly, but definitely...
  2. R


    Yes, I usually end up asking people those kinds of questions too! Isn't it amazing what you see after you give people back their own stuff? Jana, you were not cowardly. The way I see it, is you probably just sensed that defending your co-worker(s) would just be a waste of time. Choosing not...
  3. R

    What are you listening to right now? (part 6) (More David Guetta).
  4. R

    Thank you! *squishes* :)

    Thank you! *squishes* :)
  5. R

    Hehe thanks! :D

    Hehe thanks! :D
  6. R

    What are you listening to right now? (part 6)

    YouTube - ‪David Guetta - Memories (Clip officiel) + Lyrics‬‏ Seriously. I think I'm in LOVE with David Guetta. I'm doing my usual "trying to figure out his type" thing, and I think he is possibly an IXFP. Anyway, Love this song. :mhula:
  7. R

    [Important] INFP and verbal affection

    My ex who was Fi dominant used to feel the same way about verbal expression. I often found it unbalanced, because I was Very verbally expressive and craved his words of affirmation. The way I see it, is it's definitely worth the effort to push your own comfort levels with Love Languages in...
  8. R

    Thanks Arby, you've been on my radar for a few months despite my not regularly logging on to the...

    Thanks Arby, you've been on my radar for a few months despite my not regularly logging on to the forum. I hope you're doing ok under the circumstances, and I will continue to send you lots of love and strength. *hugs*
  9. R

    Is there someone who has a voice which drives you crazy? :D

    Very shrill, sharp, cutting or clip-like voices send me running. I am quite sensitive to noise, and dislike any voices which represent "fingernails-on-chalkboard-like" effects. To that end, I actually can't stand my own voice when listening to it played back on a recording lol. (I have a...
  10. R

    Dear INFJs: Where do you hang out, outside of your home?

    Count me in for all of the above as well, with special acknowledgments for the Organic Food Store!! A major one for me, is the Ocean. I Love spending time near the water...
  11. R

    Yay on creaming the exam lol! I'm finally home resting now. I have to take off with my kids...

    Yay on creaming the exam lol! I'm finally home resting now. I have to take off with my kids though in 90 minutes, we are picking up their little friends and they are all going to the school barn dance. Yay, lucky me! I ahem "love" country music ... LOL.
  12. R

    I'm just on a quick work break and I felt compelled to pop on here again and write on your wall...

    I'm just on a quick work break and I felt compelled to pop on here again and write on your wall. I hope your day is going smoothly! :)
  13. R

    I haven't been around much lately due to a busy personal life but I did get to see your thread...

    I haven't been around much lately due to a busy personal life but I did get to see your thread. I'll keep it brief on your wall (as my PM box is full). I'm just reaching out here, and will message you properly on facebook in the next day or two. *HUGS*
  14. R

    Brain stuck. Can't decide.

    +2 (And tact).
  15. R


    Just tell them the truth...