Recent content by ringobingostarr

  1. ringobingostarr

    Hi fellow INFJs! Do you relate?

    yes, that is true though it is still pretty painful to see it, so i do think it is best to at least correct their knowledge as much as possible. i think your advice was good! also, are your spider empath senses tingling that i may not be an ENTP :)? that's a pretty epic rap though (will be in...
  2. ringobingostarr

    Hi fellow INFJs! Do you relate?

    I don't think so, you are probably confused on what I meant, as it was meant to be a false exaggeration of what I was seeing on this subforum. Yes it was a lie, but lying ties in with satire of course
  3. ringobingostarr

    Hi fellow INFJs! Do you relate?

    Ah yes I understand, I guess some "nice" things I would say about myself is that I try to put others needs above my own, to give all that I can within reason and I always try to lighten things up (even if it isn't always that funny). I am not sure what causes me to be cold. Someone I have seen...
  4. ringobingostarr

    Hi fellow INFJs! Do you relate?

    i'm a bit confused on what you mean, did i say that i was nice? i believe that is up to determination by others to say, though i guess i could say i am cold at first meeting and get warmer quickly haha! nice sarcasm, though
  5. ringobingostarr

    How can I know if God exists?

    I have been on all sides of the coin. I have been monotheist, polytheist, atheist and now agnostic. I think there is no possible way to truly know that there is a "God", "gods" or none. I think science can explain more than 90% (some things that seem inexplainable now will be explained), but...
  6. ringobingostarr

    Hi fellow INFJs! Do you relate?

    fair! the reason is not too deep either: i wasn't going to stay on this forum, and it was meant to be a satirical representation of the INFJ posts I was seeing on here and in media. no hate to actual INFJs, i just found it funny! but outside of it, as i looked around this place is not at that...
  7. ringobingostarr

    Hi fellow INFJs! Do you relate?

    haha, thank you! :D
  8. ringobingostarr

    Hi fellow INFJs! Do you relate?

    oh huh, i see, i do not have that on my screen, but thank you anyways!
  9. ringobingostarr

    Hi fellow INFJs! Do you relate?

    actually, if you don't mind the question, how do you get a signature on here? i have been looking around to no avail :(
  10. ringobingostarr

    Hi fellow INFJs! Do you relate?

    just being a silly little goose! also my first mistype was INFJ 1w2 125, so it was kind of fun to get into the INFJ grindset again ;)
  11. ringobingostarr

    Hi fellow INFJs! Do you relate?

    aw man guys damn, i wasn't expecting some hard-hitting cool advice on my fictional situation, though to be honest for INxJs i guess that makes sense. kinda wanted to enter with a bit of a bang yknow. wasn't gonna snitch too soon but to prevent anyone else from pouring their heart (or mind) out...
  12. ringobingostarr

    Hi fellow INFJs! Do you relate?

    Dear fellow INFJs, Isn't so so so hard to be an INFJ? I mean, NiFe... they don't really work well together... it's strange how we exist haha... it makes sense that we are the rarest! It's also crazy how I recognise whenever someone is feeling down or depressed. It's like this sort of empath...
  13. ringobingostarr

    Currently writing poems and thinking about philosophy!

    Currently writing poems and thinking about philosophy!