Recent content by rmoat

  1. rmoat

    INFJ friendship process - immediately clicking

    This is probably one of the best things I could have read I mentioned how I was working on a new friendship up above, and how we connected really quickly. It was like there was a reason we were supposed to meet and start forming a friendship. Yesterday, he was laid off. Today was his last...
  2. rmoat

    INFJ friendship process - immediately clicking

    Really amazing insight! Thanks for sharing. Actually, now that I think about it... that's probably what has happened to me. Unfortunately, because of the doorslam I've had to do on a toxic 6 year friendship, and then another friend completely disappearing after getting a new girlfriend, there's...
  3. rmoat

    INFJ friendship process - immediately clicking

    I am really sorry. Although I have not been in that position, it sounds very difficult. And sometimes, you just need... time, which is a key factor to healing. It's hard to venture out and make friends, and/or click with anyone, when there are so many other things going on. Time does heal all...
  4. rmoat

    INFJ friendship process - immediately clicking

    That's definitely great, something that I know I've lacked with a specific person who was fake, and finally cut out of my life over a week ago (although, the doorslam process began a couple years back--it just took a long time to fully remove them). This actually reminds me of a funny INFJ meme...
  5. rmoat

    INFJ friendship process - immediately clicking

    I definitely understand. I rarely approach people, but as you say, on occasion there have been times that you resonate with someone., and only 1% of the time I'll be the one to step out of my comfort zone to get to know them. Just recently at my new job, I resonated with someone like this, and...
  6. rmoat

    INFJ friendship process - immediately clicking

    I most certainly understand. I have definitely been there as well. For me it has been patience and persistence, while doing my best to hold myself back. I have chased people away. Each time I think I meet a new person that I want to get to know, I think... "Alright, this time, I am going to be...
  7. rmoat

    INFJ friendship process - immediately clicking

    I didn't quite know how to word the topic, but as an INFJ the friendship process has been an interesting one. When younger, I had a lot of friends, but then as I developed into my INFJ personality throughout life the amount of friends and ease of creating new friends diminished. Unfortunately...
  8. rmoat

    [INFJ] INFJ/INFP conflict

    Over the past several months I've been very confused and conflicted as to whether I'm really INFJ and/or INFP. I know there are several topics on this, some very lengthy which lead me to be more confused. I started a new job a few months back and the business is interested in our personal...
  9. rmoat

    [INFJ] Tell me about a time when...

    @selcouth, Wow... thank you for sharing. I now realize that a lot of these stories are probably very personal. And I have not experienced anything to that depth... yet, and it is a little bit worrying in a way to feel like something is going to happen (something bad), and it does happen. As for...
  10. rmoat

    [INFJ] Tell me about a time when...

    Definitely understand that! Good to know that you get that, yet very unfortunate that they are bad. I'm sorry.
  11. rmoat

    [INFJ] Tell me about a time when...

    @Sandie33, thank you so much for sharing! Alright, HSP is something new to me. I'm definitely going to look that up after I respond to your message. This is quite an amazing experience you have had, and love that you shared it. It's quite incredible how little feelings like this sometimes build...
  12. rmoat

    [INFJ] Tell me about a time when...

    Alright, I thought this could be an interesting topic. On one of the INFJ personality profile pages it said this: "INFJs have uncanny insight into people and situations. They get "feelings" about things and intuitively understand them. As an extreme example, some INFJs report experiences of a...
  13. rmoat

    [INFJ] Composed Music

    Thanks Paul, I wouldn't say it is my inner INFJ either, but just something that was going on at the time with me, and written into music. I actually use Pro Tools, but honestly, have been struggling with it lately. It feels like there are MIDI delay issues with the latest PT 12 update. Even when...
  14. rmoat

    [INFJ] Composed Music

    So for the past couple of years I've gone through some pretty rough friendships, and sadly have had to do the INFJ door slam, and have also had to walk away from other several one-sided relationships. Have been struggling a little bit the past few weeks now that I've realized finding a close...
  15. rmoat

    What struggles do you face when trying to get to know someone?

    I was reading today an article on 5 things to know about being friends with an INFJ. This hit the nail on the head, and really liked it. Want to get to know an INFJ? Spend time one-on-one. I'll let this fifth point make the case I'm trying to say. A lot of non-INFJs do not realize this, though...