Recent content by Roddy

  1. Roddy

    Ask a Buddhist

    What attracted you to Buddhism in the first place? and why the SGI group in particular? If you were to generalise the group members, would you say they are mainly young or old? lower, middle or upper class?
  2. Roddy

    INFJs and fashion

    I don't follow fashion trends either, but at the same time I don't especially avoid them. I guess my typical style would fall into the 'wilderness chic' category. Usually outdoor clothes which I wear because they're comfy and lightweight. They also don't stand out too much from the crowd, so...
  3. Roddy

    The Amazing Atheist fvHe7-NHJ4Q Give me George Carlin over this any day!
  4. Roddy

    The Amazing Atheist

    Same here, I don't get what all his subscribers (97,000 now) see in him...
  5. Roddy

    Which 1 word describes you as a child and which 1 word describes you as an adult or now?

    Name: Roddy MBTI: INFJ Age: 26 Then: Advancing Now: Retreating
  6. Roddy

    What makes someone "interesting"?

    "The ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time." Anybody a littl bit outside of the norm I guess for me.
  7. Roddy


    Just one quick point. This idea that we are higher up on the animal heirarchy than other animals and hence should eat them is a bizarre argument. We might well have evolved sharp teeth that are perfect for tearing up flesh, but since then we have also evolved a massive brain. With this...
  8. Roddy

    Being Explosive...

    I have explosions - or as I refer to them 'truth attacks'! Things slowly build up over a number of months or even years. I do my best to let people know what I'm wanting/meaning or thinking about something, but in such a roundabout nice way that they don't pick up on it. Eventually it all gets...
  9. Roddy

    Anyone play instruments?

    I've been learning to play the guitar for a couple years. Really enjoying it!
  10. Roddy

    Where are you?

    I'm trying to keep my head above the water and am away to join an even faster flowing stream! I'm either going to sink or swim.
  11. Roddy

    Post your dreams!

    Thanks Poetic Justice, I was thinking along similar lines myself! This feeling trapped in my present situation and the possible consequences if I try and leave...
  12. Roddy

    Post your dreams!

    I'm not sure if this would be classed as a recurring dream (nightmare in this case)? But I have these dreams and although they all have slight variations, the theme and feelings created by the dream are the same. In these dreams, and I must have had about 6 or 7 that I can remember now, I am...
  13. Roddy


    It was pretty easy, not something that happened overnight though! Over a few months I ate less and less meat, eventually stopping for weeks at a time until one time I just never started again. Iv'e never felt more alive. Some say the word vegetarian came from the latin vegetus meaning lively...
  14. Roddy


    Here's a video which shows some of the horror of it. I'd go as far as say it became ethically immoral the moment we knew enough about nutrition to avoid eating the flesh of other animals. (English version on...
  15. Roddy


    Hey earthtocarrie I'm not a vegan, but a non-strict vegetarian/pescotarian so I eat fish. The mock meat products like quorn or cauldron tastes nothing like meat, or at least I've never come across one which does. It's just really what they resemble that gives them their name, so if its round...