Recent content by Roger

  1. R

    I am fine, but i missed you,too. :) You tell, what's new with you?

    I am fine, but i missed you,too. :) You tell, what's new with you?
  2. R

    HI Christmasu. :) Miss you.

    HI Christmasu. :) Miss you.
  3. R

    How lucky i am to receive message on timely and intuition said to check INFJs. I check this...

    How lucky i am to receive message on timely and intuition said to check INFJs. I check this monthly, i think. I have been up and down. well, if you are interested let me know i will PM you. Tell me Neva, what's new with you? :) Have missed you a lot talking with you. :)
  4. R

    Are your friends mostly male, female, or both?

    Mostly females & few males. :)
  5. R

    The three words game! v2

    farm house of
  6. R

    Hey dude, thanks for the tip. Let me try out that mention. :smile:

    Hey dude, thanks for the tip. Let me try out that mention. :smile:
  7. R

    I understand and sometimes i also present myself as silly man ;) It's normal. :) hehehe. Right...

    I understand and sometimes i also present myself as silly man ;) It's normal. :) hehehe. Right now, tell me how do you mention people? I forgot its coding. :p
  8. R

    You are fine. :) I don't have pet. Wish i had, but fine without them. I am doing some other...

    You are fine. :) I don't have pet. Wish i had, but fine without them. I am doing some other activites,too. Sending you a PM because i don't like some tags. :)
  9. R

    Sharp memory. Hmmm, Yes you are right. Young sis is fine and focusing on her studies. :)

    Sharp memory. Hmmm, Yes you are right. Young sis is fine and focusing on her studies. :)
  10. R

    hmmm... we don't celebrate, but some christians celebrate christmas. I like this festival and...

    hmmm... we don't celebrate, but some christians celebrate christmas. I like this festival and santa gifting people. You guess where i am living? I would like to hear your guess.
  11. R

    It is a pleasure to talk with you. You seem changed and new soulseeker. :D That's fine and i am...

    It is a pleasure to talk with you. You seem changed and new soulseeker. :D That's fine and i am happy. :hug: It is morning time here.
  12. R

    You seem so happy. Well, i will be going for post graduation next year's june. :) It will be...

    You seem so happy. Well, i will be going for post graduation next year's june. :) It will be very exciting for me. :) :hug: What's new with you? Any achievements? I think so... because soul seeker :D
  13. R

    :smile: how are have you been? What's new with you?

    :smile: how are have you been? What's new with you?
  14. R

    Glad to know that i helped you. :)

    Glad to know that i helped you. :)
  15. R

    Are you single??? or not???

    I doubt that you are INFJ. IT is about thought behind avatar.