Recent content by Roses In The Vineyard | INFJ Forum

Recent content by Roses In The Vineyard

  1. Roses In The Vineyard

    Working Until You Die

  2. Roses In The Vineyard

    Working Until You Die

  3. Roses In The Vineyard

    Working Until You Die

    The consequence of modern economic and social theory that erodes the fundamentals of society/civilization to be sustainable never mind exist at all.
  4. Roses In The Vineyard

    Adjectives for the Biden Administration today

    Biden and Trump are not too far behind in their cognitive decline compared to this old ghoul.
  5. Roses In The Vineyard

    Working Until You Die

    I wouldn't count on that immigration pipeline continuing forever as only like 7 countries at or above replacement as far as population goes and the bulk of the current immigration to the US are more or less running out of people with the exception of China at this time. That all said the...