Recent content by Sarah the infj

  1. S

    My Greatest Fear: Love

    No. I disagree. See that's called suppressing my issues because I don't want to deal with them. I cant work to help others if I cant even help myself. I've already suppressed issues before and tried to focus my energy on everyone else only to fall apart because of it. If I don't think about it...
  2. S

    My Greatest Fear: Love

    Thanks for replying! I understand everything that you are saying. I hate the idea of letting fear control me and that I might potentially miss an important part of living because of it. It is the reason why this issue has been so, as i said, 'haunting' to me. I always try to face fear head on...
  3. S

    My Greatest Fear: Love

    Hello to all. tbh this is just going to be a bit of a vent: a thought dump if you will. Basically, the greatest fear that I have identified thus far is my fear of love. I am afraid of being in a romantic relationship more than probably anything. Being a bit of a psychology nerd I find this fact...