Recent content by Saru Inc

  1. Saru Inc

    Politician statement about so-called "legitimate" rape

    I think once you say this out loud it might make sense as to what you're saying. Or I can just say it back so you can call me ridiculous: Ahh, so you weren't really 'taught' that it was more like some typically brilliant PE teacher briefly went outside the curriculum and decided that they...
  2. Saru Inc

    Politician statement about so-called "legitimate" rape

    I'm actually at a loss for words. Well no, I had a couple phrases I thought I'd pull out, but none of them seem to fit. 1) lol. I threatened to tell you to get back into the kitchen? bitch, please. 2) I tried to embarrass you by asking if you were on your period? bitch, please. 3) You're...
  3. Saru Inc

    Politician statement about so-called "legitimate" rape

    While I see your point, no, it’s different because the cells are a different entity. They have not just the mother's cells in them, but the father's as well. If someone has a tumor growing out of them, then yes, cells are multiplying and dividing and thus it is life. But it is the same body, it...
  4. Saru Inc

    Politician statement about so-called "legitimate" rape

    I'm not arguing about the right to the body, but once a baby is in there the body is shared. I feel like this is way over blown, would you like me to make a misogynistic comment and ask if you're on your period? Ok well I asked so I guess that makes me a misogynist. Also none of the post...
  5. Saru Inc

    Politician statement about so-called "legitimate" rape

    I know you're not 'yelling' at me, thus why I posted, to try and liven this thing up. Also I'm not sure what data you're questioning, unless that was simply an idiom. I've always been conservative, people tend to assume I'm not because I'm ok with gays and not racist or whatever...
  6. Saru Inc

    Politician statement about so-called "legitimate" rape

    Technically we're all clusters of cells, if we're going there. The idea that a child is a cluster of cells and not a life, is simply an excuse to not feel bad about killing someone. Or, shall I quote the Editng Room: CHRISTIAN BALE Actually, I did kill Aaron Eckhart. People keep acting like I...
  7. Saru Inc

    Politician statement about so-called "legitimate" rape

    And I'm boiling it down to this: How a woman feels, supersedes the life inside of them? And murder has existed for even longer. It was legal in some societies also.
  8. Saru Inc

    A world without war?

    Ummm what. Of course you can be wrong when speaking hypothetically. I also laughed at the part where you implied capitalism starts wars. Humans start wars. Nothing else. Source: Communist Russia murdering the shit out of all the world besides America
  9. Saru Inc

    Politician statement about so-called "legitimate" rape

    Now now, we all know that's not what I mean. And you are being theorizing as well, you are stating that as a woman is raped, the PUNISHMENT of a child will be too great, and so in order to make the woman feel better they will make a snippet into the fetus and vacuum life's greatest...
  10. Saru Inc

    Politician statement about so-called "legitimate" rape

    You don't need to understand experience, for experience is naught to be understood, but only to be experienced. What you need to understand is principle, the battle of life and death, and consequences that such actions can behold. I don't really want to stray too much into this because its...
  11. Saru Inc

    Politician statement about so-called "legitimate" rape

    Correct, I agree -- I'm more simply stating regardless of what they should be, they aren't; ergo this isn't very surprising. Although I did once read a study stating what he said is true in that in some rapes its so traumatic the body diverts the resources used to conceive in order to attempt...
  12. Saru Inc

    INFJ children

    That's me also. I must be infj
  13. Saru Inc

    Politician statement about so-called "legitimate" rape

    Yes because its so much more nicer to slaughter millions of innocent babies. I'm not saying what he said was right, we sometimes forget politicians are politicians and not specialists in any other field ... But I still think anyone who is ok with abortion needs to really soul search for why...
  14. Saru Inc

    Are we really a Democracy?

    First off, no, we're not a democracy. We're a democratic republic. The idea of a democracy is ludicrous, because its nothing more than mob rule -- and we all know how groupthink infiltrates such things. The fact that Obama would not allow thousands of DEAD DEAD DEAD voters to be taken off of...
  15. Saru Inc

    A "Living Document"

    what is this i dont even jail time is street cred, its an honor to be arrested and then show off to all your folk. however being shot is not an honorable thing unless you're trayvon, i suppose.