Recent content by Satya

  1. Satya

    Organized Religion gave birth to Civilization

    I agree with randomsomeone. If anyone thinks that the religions of the ancients compare to the religions of today, then you are nuts.
  2. Satya

    Organized Religion gave birth to Civilization

    Political ideology or religious doctrine...both are driven by senseless dogma...both ultimately lead to horrible human suffering and death.
  3. Satya

    Organized Religion gave birth to Civilization

    You can't answer these questions. You only have revisionist writings by religious people who try to minimize these travesties the same way that modern white supremacists deny the Holocaust. I had a Neo Nazi tell me not too long ago that only 600,000 Jews died in the Holocaust, not 6 million. I...
  4. Satya

    Satya's Ethics of Belief

    You know one psychological concept and so you are trying to apply it towards me because you are butt hurt about what I said about some schizophrenics.
  5. Satya

    Satya's Ethics of Belief

    Here is an idea! Stay the fuck out of my threads!
  6. Satya

    Satya's Ethics of Belief

    YOU TOTALLY FUCKING DID! STOP DENYING IT! Fuck off! You could have done that from the start!
  7. Satya

    Satya's Ethics of Belief

    After a post about my grandmother's death you state that I'm "shirking responsibility". What the fuck am I suppose to think? And yeah, you can believe I'm not critical thinking right now because some ass just came into a thread and blamed me for my grandmother's death and is now denying it while...
  8. Satya

    Satya's Ethics of Belief

    When the fuck did I compare schizophrenia to heaven? I compared schizophrenia to dogma. Does that give you an excuse to blame me for my grandmother's death!
  9. Satya

    Satya's Ethics of Belief

    Are you seriously fucking blaming me for my grandmother's death! You can fuck off!
  10. Satya

    Satya's Ethics of Belief

    You do know that isn't exactly a Biblical conception of God, right? The whole "relationship with God" thing is a fairly new concept in Christianity probably extending the last hundred years or so. Please define "defensive" and "offensive" critical thinking. I'm not sure I understand how...
  11. Satya

    Satya's Ethics of Belief

    What crappy logic. If everyone was a celibate priest and nun, then there would be no children, so I guess by your logic it is wrong to be a celibate priest or nun. Would you also argue that heterosexual people who choose not to have children are wrong? I mean, if everyone chose not to have...
  12. Satya

    Why did God create stupid people?

    I've worked with mentally ill people who make more sense. You seem pretty trollish to me.
  13. Satya

    Why did God create stupid people?

    I can't tell. Is this thread proving my point?
  14. Satya

    Satya's Ethics of Belief

    @just me , @Hoggle , @Bird , @jesin , @InvisibleJim , Flavus Aquila Since most of you seem to only be in this thread to attack me rather than understand my perspective, let me tell you a story. I was raised by my grandmother. When I was in my 20s she developed a lump in her...
  15. Satya

    Satya's Ethics of Belief

    So it is my fault that you oppose same sex marriage and allowing gay couples to adopt children based on your views of homosexuality? It's my fault that you vote for people who will make laws to outlaw those things? It is my fault that your actions based on your beliefs have an affect on my life...