Recent content by SeekerSeeking

  1. SeekerSeeking

    Original Sin--Born with the sin nature...

    Well, my book is fiction...and to me, maybe Jesus was...I see no reason for him to have come as God (the father) could simply forgive his wayward tribe of kids...But, yes, I would be interested in you expanding your "Jesus doesn't make sense outside of sacrifice."
  2. SeekerSeeking

    Direct or Indirect communication styles for INFJs?

    If you loved me, you'd get me an ice cream because we just passed that ice cream hope and you know i crave it" -- indirect passive-aggressive
  3. SeekerSeeking

    Direct or Indirect communication styles for INFJs?

    It may be more of a truth kind of communication... I figure if they really want to know what I think, I'll tell them. If they really just want someone to agree with them or like what they like, they'll ask somebody else next time... I know I believe in calling a thing a thing....
  4. SeekerSeeking

    What do you think you were born to be?

    ***Yes, I was born to be the best version of myself...
  5. SeekerSeeking

    Who should direct the movie of your life?

    ME: The Coen Brothers Should Direct the Movie of Your Life You can't help but see the darker side of life. You are drawn to eccentricity. You have a sharp wit, and your sense of humor can be a bit extreme. You tend to shock people. You are an unusual character, and the people you hang around...
  6. SeekerSeeking

    The rose test

    Me: You Believe that Love is Private When you think of love, you think of building your own little world with someone In love, you see things as they are. You accept and love your partner's faults. If you are in love, you want the whole world to know it. You don't hold back with letting...
  7. SeekerSeeking

    New Zealand and AussyLand

    INFJ's and anyone else you'd like to weight in--- I'm going to New Zealand and Sydney Australia over Christmas and New Years... any tips on where to go, what to see, how to be?? thanks
  8. SeekerSeeking

    Original Sin--Born with the sin nature...

    I think he'd be very popular here too--I'll bet he's an INFJ too...but what would he say outside of this forum?
  9. SeekerSeeking

    Direct or Indirect communication styles for INFJs?

    Example: "Do you think this hat looks good on me?" "No, it doesn't really flatter you."
  10. SeekerSeeking

    Direct or Indirect communication styles for INFJs?

    Direct, with kindness.
  11. SeekerSeeking

    Original Sin--Born with the sin nature...

    So much food for thought. So many of you have so much more learned backgrounds! I have absolutely NO back up for my belief--that JC came to remind us who we are (our God/Better/Loving natures). In the book, I'm writing JC is bought back (according to Christians 'out of season' so it's not the...
  12. SeekerSeeking

    Is enough, ever enough for you?

    I pretty much feel enough is enough. I wake up each day, and before I bound out of bed--typically I'm an awake=standing person--I try and remind myself to be grateful to have this day to write on. That's exciting. I have a blank sheet in front of me... Also, enough feels like enough ever since I...
  13. SeekerSeeking

    Original Sin--Born with the sin nature...

    Wow, a lot of food for thought! Yes, I do not think death is a bad thing--it's just a thing. A fact for us on this planet. I think if one is afraid to die, they are afraid to live... Thanks all!
  14. SeekerSeeking

    Happiness: From good, to proud, to happy

    Lying was absolutely a survival tool. I think I'm here and alive because of some of the lies I told... Being as completely truthful as possible does feel good. But, I've chosen to wait until asked my opinion in most cases. I'm glad your dream girl kept you alive. But you said, "she must have...