Hey, I am Silas. I am not really your average guy and I don't claim to be special. . Honestly my biggest pursuit right now is finding out what I believe in, defining my morals, and building my own identity. I know it sounds cliche but I haven't been allowed to be myself all the years growing up and now since I am an adult I have to catch up and get to know myself. I do know for sure that I like peaceful company, acts of kindness, spreading happiness, humor, redundant sentences and sentences that state the same thing more than once. I chase knowledge and the arts. I try to draw and paint but my artistic ability is stifled as of late. I absolutely love to read educational material as well as some weird/science fiction. I am open to just about anything and I love to talk about things in depth. I am laid back and prefer to be around calm people. I want to meet people who are artistic, funny, calm, independent, spiritual, and intelligent. I don't want to meet people who party all the time, who are mellowdramatic, who are not content being alone or people who are pure pleasure seekers.
If you can sing then chances are I will melt before you.
- Birthday
Dec 22, 1992
(Age: 32)
- In descending order, which 6 things could you never do without?
- My family
my friends
my writing
my art
my thoughts
my sanity
- Enneagram
- 6945
- Occupation
- Help people