Recent content by Silas

  1. S

    It is like a study group here because we share our personal experience and knowledge openly with...

    It is like a study group here because we share our personal experience and knowledge openly with one another. So information passes so freely here, I learnt a lot just by lurking even before I had made my account. It is kind of more of a support/study group now that I continue on reading through...
  2. S

    Not a lot, I have been poking around here for awhile. I really enjoy the community here. It is...

    Not a lot, I have been poking around here for awhile. I really enjoy the community here. It is sort of more like a study group or something I really have been looking for something like this.
  3. S

    4 Temperaments Test

    Melancholly 29 Sanguine, 64 Melancholy, 7 Choleric, 36 Phlegmatic Hail to you who is Melancholly. The depth to see into the heart and soul of life. The artistic nature to appreciate the beauty of the world. The talent to create a masterpiece where nothing existed before. The ability to analyze...
  4. S

    What are everyone's specific character strengths?

    Character Strength # 1 Forgiveness You forgive those who have done you wrong. You always give people a second chance. Your guiding principle is mercy and not revenge. Character Strength # 2 Honesty You are an honest person, not only by speaking the truth but by living your life in a genuine and...
  5. S

    Reveal your INFJ-board crush! Also, your twin soul :P

    I like niffer, genuine, devildoll, Sriracha, heartless and a few more. Dunno all of their genders but I do enjoy their views.
  6. S

    Progression in a relationship

    1.Anytime you have a bad is okay to be around them so long as you don't take it out on them 2.As soon as the relationship naturally progresses to that point 3.Psh I have a tooth brush everywhere I visit regularly I am not answering number four cause I have no damn idea. Hell I am just a 20...
  7. S

    Straight INFJ Males

    This is starting to sound like an intervention. I am an INFJ and I have liked girls since I was ten and realized they don't all have cooties. I too have practiced aikido Are you interested in firearms, archery, marksmanship, target shooting? archery I am a craftsman with a love for the out...
  8. S

    Can't decide on a major. Any advice/information would be much appreciated.

    I have this same issue. Often times I feel I could be a life time student if it were practical.
  9. S

    Pet Peeves

    This is probably my second biggest. I also hate when people say or think I am depressed when I take my recharging time and try to pull me out of it as if it were a coma or iced over lake no matter how many times I express I need alone time.
  10. S

    Pet Peeves

    People with a problem, who can find a solution but refuse to and instead sit on their thumbs.
  11. S

    What type is most attracted to INFJs ?

    I know of you intp woman and I am madly in love with her. We constantly grow from one another and that is what we want from a relationship but there is a distance issue.
  12. S

    "Want to Raise a Confident Child? Avoid These Labels"

    I remember growing up and being shoved into social situations and I really hated it and it only got worse the longer it went on. In school I was in gifted programs and was considered the most curious kid most of my teachers had ever had. My family constantly thought I was depressed due to my...
  13. S

    Any INFJ's been with any INFJ's?

    It seems kinda narcissistic but I want to try being with another INFJ. I was wondering if those of you that have been in this had a good experience with it and if you didn't what went wrong? I feel it could hit a stone wall early on in a relationship since the two could refuse to drop their...
  14. S

    Our Masks

    I feel that in order to let someone truly know me, I should get to know their motives first. I know it sounds selfish but once I care about someone there is usually no going back. I will do my best to make that person happy. I know it is a bad decision to let the wrong people become these types...
  15. S

    [INFJ] INFJs: Critical, Cruel, Perfectionists under Stress?

    Has he had enough recharge time?