Recent content by SilverGirl

  1. SilverGirl

    Politics and INFJs.

    well...I'm middle of the road, I've voted republican and democrat in my life. I have very strong likes/dislikes on both sides and don't think l'll ever choose one to fully cling to...
  2. SilverGirl

    When was the last time you were really happy?

    I think the last time I was genuinely happy for a very long time I was 17. You all have such intelligent sounding answers, but mine's pretty simple; my options were open at the time and I could have done anything and I was completely free and independent (well...and in love), since then those...
  3. SilverGirl


    Yeah, I daydream allll the time. Generally it happens a lot more when I'm not happy with my real life, so I use it to escape can be good and bad...good because reality is very traumatic sometimes, and bad because sometimes I don't deal with issues when I should because I'm lost in a...
  4. SilverGirl

    ideas to reality

    This web site has some ideas that have helped me:
  5. SilverGirl

    Thank you for the welcome:)

    Thank you for the welcome:)
  6. SilverGirl

    Thanks for the welcome...I'm just now realizing I have NO idea how to use forums..ha

    Thanks for the welcome...I'm just now realizing I have NO idea how to use forums..ha