Recent content by Skye

  1. Skye

    What Types Do...

    I have come across another INFJ female at work - we IMMEDIATELY clicked. As I often get a strong 'feeling' when first meeting someone (can be positive OR negative) - this time I was so intrigued and a couple of weeks later asked her to do the online test, and => INFJ (!) I love being around...
  2. Skye

    Crushes, love them or hate them?

    I totally have crush on someone - most of the time someone who is not available to me. Look up the term "Limerence" - it all falls into place then, at least, it feels more "normal" to be in that 'obsessive' state for a while.
  3. Skye

    What is your REAL age?

    Hmmm, chronological age: 38, tested age: 50 ... and I thought you people were all spring chickens still (!) What does it mean though? Am I wise beyond my years OR more boring than the rest of my age-group? I did not find any description on that site? Did I miss something? Or Lurker, you...
  4. Skye

    how mad is this huh?

    Hi Kyla and all, I am new here, but also just had to respond as well. Yes, definately, all of the above. I know what you mean, although I may have described it differently for myself. - maybe it's a sense of a higher purpose in life, even if unsure yet of what that might be - maybe it's a...
  5. Skye

    Where the hell do you get energy from?

    Hey, thanks so much!! I must admit it took a couple of deep breaths (and two glasses of wine - LOL) to write all that, but I feel I am amongst friends. I know,mostly it's stuff about myself really (are we all so self-absorbed?), BUT I don't know Lorkan very much, so this will have to suffice...
  6. Skye

    Where the hell do you get energy from?

    Hi Lorkan, I have been feeling like that in the past, lack of energy and motivation. I can only suggest what has helped me, and hopefully you are able to relate this to your situation: walking (or running) out in nature is GREAT. Walk a dog if you need an excuse to get out there, or find...