Recent content by Sol

  1. S

    The lack of famous INFJs: demographics or misrepresentation?

    There are not so a little of INFJs among actresses (in some mean they are famous):
  2. S

    INFJ list

    List consists of my opinions only. There's almost no "they" (in practice), because when using socionics don't know versions of others during typing they have the same result in 15-30% only. P.S. Having regard that profiles (if they were used for assessment) are influenced by function models, I...
  3. S

    INFJ list

    Messy as dominant style of behavior is definitely not the quality of J. I have nothing to add, so question is closed from my side.
  4. S

    INFJ list

    Obviously I saw this popular site in past - there's nothing new. His arguments follow from types' descriptions, wich are influenced by functional models and from functional models themself. I have said already, that this factors are external. This is because preferences can be identified or...
  5. S

    INFJ list

    Ganin's arguments didn't round me. So far 2 conditions above are not disproved there's no rational reasons to change point of view. P.S. I saw Ganin's site long ago, and read some articles by other authors about this question too. There was nothing convincing to change my opinion. Also I...
  6. S

    INFJ list

    As 1) preferences are the same and 2) INFJ describes preferences only, then _if preferences were identified correctly_, then INFJ in MBT is INFJ anywhere. Cognitive functions and any other methods and factors used for type's identifying doesn't affect said by me upper. P.S. I am bothred to...
  7. S

    INFJ list

    Different typers may type you differently. I don't know exactly wich theories and methods were used to you. But know that many using theories have no scientific basis and there's no method of type's identifying with seriously based high validity. Hence, there's considerable probability of...
  8. S

    INFJ list

    1) Tests are not perfect. For example, I'm getting introversion in most preferences' tests, but I'm extraverted (judging by behavior, profiles, and some other). 2) You may try socionics profiles, they are closer to Jung's understanding of introverted types.
  9. S

    INFJ list

    I used definition of this by Jung and by Myers-Briggs. Both of them talked about utilization, but not about loving. You talked about messy as dominating style of behavior. "Messy" is too general characteristic. "J" can't be messy as _dominating_ style of life (in reasoning and therefore in...
  10. S

    INFJ list

    J/P - is dominating lifestyle, it describes how to do easier for a concrete man. Primarily, it's not a question of love and hate. For example, the J-person can admire P-style when man prepare for examination (not for easy one) in 1 day and night, but he will prefer to prepare in several free...
  11. S

    Jung type's tests (20 pcs.)

    To me it is awkward to say it to you, but I'm not the follower of "netfriends" culture. Sorry.
  12. S

    Jung type's tests (20 pcs.)

    Jung Typology Test by HumanMetrics Skeletus Personality Test Test by Horace Gray, Joseph Wheelwright and Robert Winer (based on the test developed in 1930's) Test "41 Questions" Test "Discover Your Type" by MyPersonality (registration is needed) Test by Personality Test Center Test at...
  13. S

    INFJ list

    I suppose that if your type was J, you should probably had written this in other thread - with subject more corresponding to such question. There is a heap of test, and you may average out their results.
  14. S

    INFJ list

    Code itself describes _preferences only_, but not all qualities of personality. In part of preferences personalities are the same. If a man is INFJ in socionics, then he is INFJ in MBT, and vice-versa. The same man shall get the same code in both typologies, if all have done correctly (and inner...
  15. S

    INFJ list

    No. As I sad higher, 4-letter code is the same. Differences between these typologies lie in functional models and are outside of 4-letter code.