Recent content by Solstice

  1. Solstice

    Arguing Style Test

    94 out of 100 I really dislike fighting so I hope I don't get into a lot of them when I'm dating/married. I'd rather peacefully discuss the differences in our opinions instead of yelling. :(
  2. Solstice

    Gender and MBTI

    Thanks. :) I know who I am, but it's difficult to show myself to others because it seems like they want me to be a stereotype that I'm not, and I'd rather not disappoint them. But now I'm getting off topic. I think I'll just make a blog here or something, since I've been posting more often.
  3. Solstice

    Gender and MBTI

    I understand that. I don't mind being different, but the reason I dislike gender differences is more personal, I guess. I should have been more objective in this thread. It's just that I tend to be more "stereotypically female" than I am "stereotypically male." I think that may be why I like...
  4. Solstice

    Gender and MBTI

    Actually, I agree with this, on the simple terms that everyone is different. Of course every male INFJ will be different from every female INFJ, just as much as every male INFJ is different from each other male INFJ, and vice versa. Whether it's gender that determines these differences or not, I...
  5. Solstice

    MBTI Preaching to the converted?

    Actually, that's a stereotype associated with Si, and consequently SJs (because all SJs use Si either first or second). Si is used for remembering how things were, and if anything is different, or in other words, whether things are "normal" or as they always were. So it doesn't seem too unlikely...
  6. Solstice

    Gender and MBTI

    That I can understand. Fe can be a double-edged sword for me. Some days I just want to give people a hug, but I know society usually doesn't condone that behavior in males, so I don't. It doesn't change that I want to do that, but it may have an influence on actions. I can't say whether or not...
  7. Solstice

    Can you help me find my type?

    That's a pretty strong Fi in comparison to the other functions for a first time test. Are you sure you're truly not INFP, or is it that you don't want to be an INFP? Of course, you would know best, but a lot of times once you learn about MBTI you have to ask yourself the difference between who...
  8. Solstice

    I'm so tired of taking MBTI tests...

    With xNxJ, you could be either ENTJ, ENFJ, INTJ, or INFJ. Are you familiar with any of those descriptions? If you're an INFJ, you'd probably be able to tell from reading some of the posts here. You could also try putting yourself into either the NT or NF temperament to cut it down to just two...
  9. Solstice

    Gender and MBTI

    I'm with Slant on this one. I'm extremely against gender roles, so I don't think it affects people. Except perhaps in SJ types who are known for being "traditional." They might decide to play gender roles even if it's not who they feel they should be, just because they want to follow society's...
  10. Solstice

    Can you help me find my type?

    Very good. =P That's tough, knowing which you'd rather be, because then you're biased. I'd say ask a friend to help you out a bit. You don't even have to mention MBTI. You could just say, "Do you think of me like _____ or ____?"
  11. Solstice

    Can you help me find my type?

    This is also possible. Though assuming you're at least a teen, you might have an idea of which temperament you belong to, at least. Which of these do you think sounds like you? I'll just number them so you're not biased towards the sensor types, just in case you fit better into an intuitive...
  12. Solstice

    Can you help me find my type?

    Si first with Fe next would be ISFJ, but you aren't sure if that fits you. Ti first with Se second would be ISTP, which also doesn't seem to fit you. Those combinations are based from your cognitive functions test results. You may not fit into a type at all. Perhaps you've balanced out your...
  13. Solstice

    Can you help me find my type?

    Hmm... after reading that, I'm not so sure if I'd think of you as a Sensor. You might be an Intuitive. I think that mostly because you say you like to plan out how to finish your homework, and you think a lot about what other people think about you. You also mentioned daydreaming, which is...
  14. Solstice

    Can you help me find my type?

    Unfortunately, not any that I can think of... Maybe if you describe your "typical day" to us and what thoughts go through your mind, we can try to help you a bit better.
  15. Solstice

    Can you help me find my type?

    Here is a link to an Si description, with links underneath it to lead to the other functions. Try to figure out which fit you better. ;)