Recent content by Sono

  1. Sono

    Need Some Advice About Going Back to College

    Whatever you do don't waste your time doing a degree in finance/ accounting since you've already got a degree, just apply for grad roles that pay for your accounting qualification (ACA etc). College/ University is a waste of time since it doesn't teach you what you need for the job and you'll...
  2. Sono

    Materialism as a cult

    In an ideal world I think you'd have a leader who is a leader not for their own ego but for the good of the people, but then gradually over time i'm sure there's bound to be corrupt individuals that eventually lead us to where we are today..but I think humans are like sheep, the most effective...
  3. Sono

    Materialism as a cult

    Watched most of it. I think as a people there's no hope really, and we can't escape because the system has such a grip on the masses and they don't even know it and are unable to think clearly and analyse things nor do they care to. It's difficult enough for intelligent people who spend most of...