Caucasian, Male, 18 years of age, currently college student at Tulane
I like doing camping and nature stuff. Also a bit of a nerd.
I'm an eagle scout
Studying Evolutionary Biology at tulane
hobbies are MtG, camping, internetz, nature, hanging with friends, tabletop rpg's, fencing, judo, and boyscout stuff
- Birthday
May 20, 1992
(Age: 32)
- Biography
- Was born in 1992, is currently alive and usually well(except for when I'm not)
- In descending order, which 6 things could you never do without?
- People
uh...thats about it
oh, air food and water
- What would be your epitaph?
- He died the way he lived, on the toilet hugging himself while whistling the Indiana Jones theme song
- Occupation
- find something new and make a cool discovery in my
Been gone for a while....gonna try to be more active...we'll see how that goes for an extrovert.