Recent content by StopAndBeFriendly

  1. StopAndBeFriendly

    Thanks for the compliment and the rep the other day. Yikes, am I ever slow to reply :o I...

    Thanks for the compliment and the rep the other day. Yikes, am I ever slow to reply :o I apologize for that.
  2. StopAndBeFriendly

    Thank you for the rep. Hope you have a nice weekend :)

    Thank you for the rep. Hope you have a nice weekend :)
  3. StopAndBeFriendly

    Movies or Scenes That Made You Cry.

    Well, I think "Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey" is a mediocre movie, but one scene in there kills me. The scene where the oldest boy thinks his dog didn't make it, then the dog comes up over the hill, omg. Jackie's funeral speech in the movie "Waking Ned Devine". I lose it every time I...
  4. StopAndBeFriendly

    Elizabeth Taylor passed away

    I've seen her listed as ESFP a few times, along with Elvis Presley and Marilyn Monroe. I personally don't agree with that typing. Maybe on the surface, but deep down, I don't know :/ I kinda thought she would have had an N in there for sure, but that's just me.
  5. StopAndBeFriendly

    On Voting

    We're voting on voting :)
  6. StopAndBeFriendly

    Thank you. You have a pretty name too :)

    Thank you. You have a pretty name too :)
  7. StopAndBeFriendly

    The World Is Obsessed With Facebook.

    I'm thinking about boycotting it. I'm disgusted with fb right right now, like seriously I can't get my own photos from my own albums that I put on there from my own camera? They have to own our photos if we choose to use them on their site? I'm not sure I should be getting so upset about...
  8. StopAndBeFriendly

    MBTI Checklist Test (Discordia)

    Introversion (I): 10 versus Extroversion (E): 5 Sensing (S): 0 versus Intuition (N): 14 Thinking (T): 8 versus Feeling (F): 8...
  9. StopAndBeFriendly

    What asian country should you visit?

    You Should Travel to Cambodia...
  10. StopAndBeFriendly

    What sign is your soul?

    Your Soul is Aries You are impulsive to the point of being a daredevil. You don't like to sit around wondering whether you should act! You are dynamic and goal focused. You want to change the world, and you've got what it takes to do it. You are both quick-witted and quick-tempered. You act...
  11. StopAndBeFriendly

    Public Speaking

    Looks like you got a lot of good advice. Relaxation, confidence, and knowing what you're talking about are all key. I don't know if I have much advice to give on this subject, but I'll give you a few little tips that may help out. Make sure you stay hydrated throughout the days before and the...
  12. StopAndBeFriendly

    Are you a hoarder or a thrower-away?

    I can't stand clutter, but I also tend to collect. I keep important things that I just might need in a big rubbermaid tote that can fit under my bed. Sometimes I go through it and part with the stuff I feel isn't necessary to keep. If I feel I must throw away something that at one time had...
  13. StopAndBeFriendly

    What's the coolest invention ever created?

    They are pretty nifty, but don't jump into a pool with it in your pocket ; ) Even the rice trick won't work for that.
  14. StopAndBeFriendly

    narcissistic personality inventory

    Your Total: 7 Authority: 2.00 Self-Sufficiency: 2.00 Superiority: 1.00 Exhibitionism: 1.00 Exploitativeness: 1.00 Vanity: 0.00 Entitlement: 0.00
  15. StopAndBeFriendly

    Hi!! Thanks for stopping to be friendly :)

    Hi!! Thanks for stopping to be friendly :)