Recent content by Switchgirl

  1. Switchgirl

    MBTI quiz with a twist.. (Know your Minority Types!)

    40% INFP 35% ENFP 8% INFJ 6% ENFJ 4% ENTP
  2. Switchgirl

    Se Music Tiesto (Beta ST). Essentially, I'm just posting all of my favourite songs here ~ Must be the Dual Seeking function kicking in lulz
  3. Switchgirl

    Se Music (This song is my anthem) Not sure if Se, but it's HARDSTYLE~
  4. Switchgirl

    Awww dear, thank you! <3 I'm feeling a lot better at the moment.. It was just one of those...

    Awww dear, thank you! <3 I'm feeling a lot better at the moment.. It was just one of those nights. :)
  5. Switchgirl

    Aww, you are so sweet! Thank you dear <3 same goes for you

    Aww, you are so sweet! Thank you dear <3 same goes for you
  6. Switchgirl

    Image Based Personality Test

    The Life Surfer You surf on life, enjoying the best bits. You're curious and like to meet new people, as well as learning about the human mind. You search for new experiences and adventures and love to share them with friends. You're creative and approach challenges in a broad way...
  7. Switchgirl

    Alpha/Beta Personality Quiz

    You are Red: 60% High Alpha 14% Low Beta You are exceedingly dominant, in fact, downright bossy. Since your controlling Alpha is so strong, you need to soften it by developing your Beta side and allowing yourself to feel vulnerable. Your best fit is a partner with High Beta qualities—but he or...
  8. Switchgirl

    *hugs* Thank you Rawr!

    *hugs* Thank you Rawr!
  9. Switchgirl

    What's your chinese body type

    You Have a Tai Yang Body You are a proactive, progressive, and passionate. You don't have much patience when there's something you want. You are full of new ideas, theories, and plans. Sometimes you get carried away with your dreams. You make quick judgments, but they are usually right. You...
  10. Switchgirl

    What's your dance style?

    You Are Hip Hop Dancing You are uniquely talented and creative. And you defy labels. You tend to be influenced by many things and people. You are truly eclectic. You like to push yourself to be a little more daring and original every day. You aren't content with the status quo. You are...
  11. Switchgirl

    What's your food personality?

    You Like Fun Food You eat simply because you enjoy it, and you love food. You especially love delicious food. You're not too into foodie trends or the newest diet. If you like something, you'll eat it - simple as that. You love everything culinary. You love to cook, go out to eat, and...
  12. Switchgirl

    I'm not sure yet, Rawr.

    I'm not sure yet, Rawr.
  13. Switchgirl

    What Is The First Thing People Notice About Your Personality?

    Quirky You are one quirky individual! The first thing that people notice about your personality is how silly, random and odd you can really be. You are never boring, that's for sure. But this is why people love being around you and always have a good time in your presence. We know that...
  14. Switchgirl

