Recent content by Thursday

  1. Thursday

    Who is the true you?

  2. Thursday

    The strangely accurate personality Test

    ENTJ You scored 50-Introversion 81 iNtuitiveness 29 Feelingness 63 Judgingness! The interesting thing is that most people describe the ENTJ as being a strong leader. Maybe...You are more likely an extremely creative thinker. Because you use your thinking capacity primarily to understand...
  3. Thursday

    Meaningful Movies

    for Fe users - The Devil Wears Prada
  4. Thursday

    Meaningful Movies

    Big Fish
  5. Thursday Read up and see which and what interests you most - then... Read up and see which and what interests you most - then find the authors or types of tantra that coincide with these.
  6. Thursday

    How do you deal with someone who likes you?

    I usually slip in a line like that will throw them off my scent something like today : "I went to this psychic and she told me that my woman will be 25-26 and already have a kid" "But thats not me!" *crickets*
  7. Thursday

    Thank you. It seems that every INFJ I know,three females, love shoegazer. But i did go to a...

    Thank you. It seems that every INFJ I know,three females, love shoegazer. But i did go to a studio and am going to digitally distribute it soon.
  8. Thursday

    hello I see that you changed your I/E preference. I have the intuition to see that you look...

    hello I see that you changed your I/E preference. I have the intuition to see that you look like an ENFJ. The following queen ENFJ on another forum is a good juxtapose for you. My name is Avery, and welcome to the forum.
  9. Thursday

    Would you ever change yourself for someone?

    Yes and no. In relationships, i fill so many roles that the real me is not seen. So in a way, I preserve myself.
  10. Thursday

    Do you have a purpose?

    Try your life path number find a calculator on the web or just take your birthday as numbers and add them up if you get an 11/22/33/44 - do not reduce them - they are master numbers Ex. mine is 09/24/1987 the sum of these numbers is 22 = my life path number
  11. Thursday

    soloist folk-jazz-pop

    soloist folk-jazz-pop
  12. Thursday

    mainly clubs - but i will go where the people who love music go I recently played a vintage...

    mainly clubs - but i will go where the people who love music go I recently played a vintage clothing store in hollywood........
  13. Thursday

    Calling around to gigs - being impatient and yet cautious. What about the girl with the world in...

    Calling around to gigs - being impatient and yet cautious. What about the girl with the world in her hands?(camera) How is she?
  14. Thursday

    An orgasm a day keeps the doctor away

    thank you for starting it