Recent content by TK*

  1. TK*

    Sense of humour

    My sense of humor is...sarcastic. Dark. Questionable. Most people don't "get" my sense of humor, which is OK. I can't explain what tickles me--but when I'm tickled, at least it makes sense to me at the time.
  2. TK*

    Which fictional character do you most identify with & Why?

    Interesting topic question...kinda hard for me to answer too. If I had to pick it would be Shizuku from Whispers of the Heart. While watching the movie, my bf started cracking up because our similarities were so perfect, and our situations were almost exactly the same. Down to her...
  3. TK*

    What do you do (if anything) to exercise.

    Errr... I walk the dog almost every day (brisk walk) and I try to do situps, pushups, and leg lifts every night before I go to bed. Sometimes I forget. I need to lose 15lbs. I'm not fat but...I want to maintain the waist I had in high school.
  4. TK*

    Test your standards

    Awesome thread idea... I want to play! Given that a person is a wonderful human being on the inside, could your form a romantic relationship with... Someone of a different race? I'm doing that now Someone who was deaf? I've always wanted to learn sign language Someone who was blind? I...
  5. TK*

    Your ESTP experience!

    ESTPs... I have had 2 ESTP friends--one was a cheerleader, the other was a anime nerd. The chemistry with both of them was immediate AT FIRST...but over time it just waned away into nothing. The ESTPs wanted to move on to bigger and better things, and I was just too apathetic to maintain the...
  6. TK*

    Thoughts on child beauty pageants?

    I've been watching these documentaries on WEtv and TLC. It's pretty messed up stuff. The mothers are nuts--mostly just projecting themselves onto their daughters. The judging itself is kinda messed up as well. I mean, you're teaching these little girls that the "winner" or "most valuable"...
  7. TK*

    That's OK...I think I might be taking a 2-5 week break from this site, lol. No worries. :D

    That's OK...I think I might be taking a 2-5 week break from this site, lol. No worries. :D
  8. TK*

    Do you ever think about doing really bad things?

    I think everybody has these feelings at some point. I used to have them all the time when I was little. I would make voodoo dolls and cast "spells" on people, wishing them harm or misfortune, lol. Sadly, a lot of my spells and harmful wishes actually came true--so I stopped doing it. Karma...
  9. TK*

    Firstborn Introverts?

    I dunno. I'm introverted, my little brother is extraverted and I'm the oldest. *shrug*
  10. TK*

    A Suicidal Friend

    I don't know what to tell you. She has to want to get better and the only I can see her doing that is to get some professional help. Maybe you can get all her friends/family together and try to do an "intervention" of some sorts? Have everybody who loves her confront her on her suicidal...
  11. TK*

    A Suicidal Friend

    How old is she? Are you both in school? Counseling is free for students. Urge her to seek help from a school counselor--this isn't something you can fix just by talking to her. Suicide isn't a joke. A professional would be equipped to handle the magnitude of her situation--so please, talk to a...
  12. TK*

    Animal personality test.. Interesting..

    LOL! *HUGS*
  13. TK*


    Yup. If the mother has it, she can pass it on to her kids.
  14. TK*

    Physical Contact

  15. TK*

    Physical Contact

    :m035::mlove2: So...since you hugged me...does that mean I'm special?!