Recent content by v.shadow

  1. v.shadow

    What's your vampire name?

    Lady the Bloody lol how original! Edit: wait a minute..the result changes everytime I press submit o.OU
  2. v.shadow

    What's your friendship style?

    Your Friendship Style is Empathetic You deeply care about each person you're friends with. For you, friendship is all about the personal connection. You tend to know everything about your friends' lives... and they know everything about yours. Your friends are your...
  3. v.shadow

    Do you like to be outgoing?

    I like the few moments I'm outgoing, because I feel I can finally get out of my shell and be a part of something. anyways, I don't LOVE being outgoing, since that isn't the way I really am (and I always end up exhausted after too much social interaction)
  4. v.shadow

    what enneagram number are you?

  5. v.shadow

    INFJ's and Sleep.

    this definitely applies to me today :m050: (can't find a tired monkey. why do they all have so much energy?)
  6. v.shadow

    Online love

    though it has never happened to me (I do like many people I meet online, but I have never known them enough to fall in love or something), I think it's possible if there's authenticity and a great deal of efforts are made.
  7. v.shadow

    How real are you?

    You Are 46% Real I knew it!
  8. v.shadow

    Which MBTI type are you drawn to?

    hmm feeling in a Perceiving mood? Actualized type: INFP (who you are) Introverted (I) 78.79% Extroverted (E) 21.21% Intuitive (N) 72.41% Sensing (S) 27.59% Feeling (F) 53.33% Thinking (T) 46.67% Perceiving (P) 57.69% Judging...
  9. v.shadow

    Crystal & Indigo children

    hehe, I'm glad I helped. btw, I think you might be a friendlier type of indigo child (he was totally not a people person. now that I think about it, I think he's an INTX)
  10. v.shadow

    Crystal & Indigo children

    I don't know whether to believe in this theory or not (cause I haven't researched it or anything), but a long time ago I had a crush on a guy that said he was indigo (as with IndigoSensor, people would often go to him and say that). what always amazed me (and everyone) about him was his...
  11. v.shadow

    Britney Murphy Dead at 32!!

    woah. didn't knew this. lol
  12. v.shadow

    Top albums of the decade

    Coldplay - X&Y Radiohead - Kid A System of a Down - Toxicity Green Day - American idiot The White Stripes - Elephant Radiohead - In rainbows Placebo - Sleeping with ghosts
  13. v.shadow

    James Cameron's AVATAR

    really?!?! :) that's awesomeee!!! well, I no longer resent this movie :D
  14. v.shadow

    Seeing Other Folks' Auras?

    I tried a while ago (I saw every aura blue, though), until I felt I was screwing up my eyes.
  15. v.shadow

    James Cameron's AVATAR

    I thought they were doing a movie about the TV series before I saw the trailers. now I have mixed feelings about it :mtap: