Recent content by Vaguethinker

  1. Vaguethinker

    What do I do about possible infidelity?

    I know. Right now my mom is ok with me acting like I don’t know either. I honestly feel really sick. This morning he came to me and said, “Your mom thinks I deleted footage from the cams when she went to go check. I didn’t delete anything.” meanwhile he used my computer and it died on him...
  2. Vaguethinker

    What do I do about possible infidelity?

    If I wasn’t the person who checked the cams geryday I feel like I could escape this without being involved. But if they get into an argument and my stepdad tries to say his friend visited, when I know for sure he did not, I don’t know what to do. Offering up any truth to clear this situation up...
  3. Vaguethinker

    What do I do about possible infidelity?

    Thank you. I agree my stepdad feels like a child to me right now. Deleting the footage is only going to make him look ten times worse. He knows she’s going to ask me so I don’t know why he think that would help him in any way. It really confirms any suspicions my mom may have just by him...
  4. Vaguethinker

    What do I do about possible infidelity?

    Thank you so much. I’m also not sure if I should even make it known to my stepdad that im aware of the camera situation as my mom isn’t back yet. This morning I opened my computer and noticed a mistake he made. Since my computer died while he was using it, the tabs were still open and...
  5. Vaguethinker

    What do I do about possible infidelity?

    Yes you’re right I think context would help this situation more. I’ve known my stepdad since I was 5 and I love him despite wherever this may lead. I am worried if it ends up true, that he did do something he shouldn’t have, I will view him differently and kind of have lost faith in some things...
  6. Vaguethinker

    What do I do about possible infidelity?

    Thank you. I know it’s not my business but I feel so sad for my mom. I love both my stepdad and my mom but I’m trying to picture it in her shoes and she has to deal with this situation alone and has no emotional support so I feel bad. But I also have to have some sort of boundary or else I may...
  7. Vaguethinker

    What do I do about possible infidelity?

    For context I am 20 and still living with my family. I think my stepdad may have cheated on my mom and I’m not sure how to proceed. My mom has been gone on a trip for work the past three weeks. And a week later, one night my stepdad told me he was going out to the bar with a friend that I...