Recent content by Verison

  1. V

    Should the Supreme Court stop Biden from giving social security funds to illegal aliens?

    Yes. And show them the door. Why give them another reason to come here illegally? The Libs here are allowing them to cross illegally for their votes. Some states, including the lib headquarters of Vermont, have allowed them to vote on local issues that cost taxpayers.
  2. V


    So you're against this or just pointing this out? Think about it makes sense. Just taking the first one, education. Why are schools teaching kids about critical race theory rather than ABC's, math, real science, etc.? One local school here is teaching pre-kindergarten to the 6th...
  3. V

    Trump will win again

    AND checkout the crime rates in countries that have either made firearms illegal to own or have severely limited ownership. Why did we have to send firearms to citizens of Czechoslovakia?
  4. V

    Trump will win again

    "The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they're ignorant; it's just that they know so much that isn't so" - Ronald Reagan
  5. V

    Trump will win again

    LOL. I'll see if I can get copies of the pieces a friend of mine has. She repeats herself using exact phrases used in past speeches. It's hilarious. One of them is "unburdened by what has been". WTF is that? LOL. There isn't a politickcian out there that isn't a hypocrite. If they are so...
  6. V

    Trump will win again

    Like the rest of the libs, you have no idea. Like the rest of the libs you lower yourself even lower by going to insults rather than dealing with facts. Few countries have lasted more than 200 years. Because of your fellow libs looking to shit on the US Constitution, we may very well be on the...
  7. V

    Trump will win again

    The Regan years was one of the better time periods this country had. He broke the USSR. He used a lot of common sense.....does anyone remember what that was?
  8. V

    Trump will win again

    Rather than sucking up the very liberal news media well chosen pieces, why don't libs look into all of the facts? I've spoken with several. It's like they're brainwashed repeating lib news and facts given to them by other libs. They won't discuss. They get angry and start with the insults, going...
  9. V

    Trump will win again

    Another overeducated person who can't read a ruler. Dump metric. Go standard.
  10. V

    Trump will win again

    So where's this list of all of her great accomplishments?
  11. V

    Trump will win again

    She couldn't keep up with me. She'd have to get her pipe out to recover. You don't know shit from shinola.
  12. V

    Working Until You Die

    I have yet to see a minimum wage job in VT. Welfare is so easy to get on and stay on in this state it's unreal. The cost of "Human Services" now surpasses VTrans with every toy in the catalog. The pajama parades twice a month when their debit cards get recharged with money is something to see.
  13. V

    Trump will win again

    LOL. But please someone tell me....WHAT HAS SHE DONE?
  14. V

    Trump will win again

    So where's all of Cammies quotes?
  15. V

    Trump will win again

    Not any male that I know.