Recent content by Vita14

  1. V

    Speak with members using music only.

    @everybody My piano improvisation. Hope you enjoy.
  2. V

    What is the opposite of logic?

    As a pragmatist I would say the meaning of single word depends of the context its used and is refering to. In this context I was refering to obviousness nature of assuming something being obvious and self explanatory as faith. Same aplies to any word that has polysemic meaning. If we dont accept...
  3. V

    What is the opposite of logic?

    Modern "Set Theory" - is it a religious belief system? | Set Theory Math Foundations 250 "There is polite agreement not to look into logical foundations of mathematics"
  4. V

    What is the opposite of logic?

    @Ren If one says "faith" has no dictionary meaning, then what does it mean for you or you accept the dictionary meaning?
  5. V

    What is the opposite of logic?

    If you try google search: faith meaning. It will give you that at number 1 defination. faith: complete trust or confidence in someone or something.
  6. V

    What is the opposite of logic?

    When axioms are articles of faith by defination, one should examine if ones own articles of faith are paradoxical or not.
  7. V

    What is the opposite of logic?

    Faith is intresting, because its complete trust to something or someone. If one uses "logic" to reason, then does one have faith in logic?
  8. V

    [INFJ] As an infj whats your view about Truth and absolute truth?

    I think I can understand. I feel the same way. There is always something to learn.
  9. V

    [INFJ] As an infj whats your view about Truth and absolute truth?

    What you think about countlesness? You mean that when you say "unlimited number"? :)
  10. V

    [INFJ] As an infj whats your view about Truth and absolute truth?

    If we have existed forever, and we will exist until the time ends, and even after that. Then the time itself is defined differently than usually. Before and after, can be also understood as a change. If the change for ourselves has been always, then I agree, in a way, that we have been in motion...
  11. V

    [INFJ] As an infj whats your view about Truth and absolute truth?

    In physics time is what clock reads. If one conciders time had begining, when cosmos started, then by defination of this view of time it has existed forever. But its just point of view. What was before time? I know that I have not existed foreverly in absolute sense, only in a sense that I have...
  12. V

    [INFJ] As an infj whats your view about Truth and absolute truth?

    I not am thinking actually this way, that truth has two values. I am thinking that absolute truth, is eternal, and reality when it comes to person is about mind, and minds realisations about limtedness of its own self, regarding to Self sufficient Eternal Truth. I am from school of finitism. I...
  13. V

    What is the opposite of logic?

    As I see it opposition to logic is logic, when it has too high view of itself. Opposition to logic can be instinct, or intuition. For example, Instinct gives you desire for hunger, but logic says it you dont need to eat yet, because of other benefits of fasting. Opposite to logic can be...
  14. V

    [INFJ] As an infj whats your view about Truth and absolute truth?

    I thought about it yesterday with same conclusion. Absolute Truth just is, indiscribable, Self suffsient, Eternal. I think we are all dependend on Absolute truth. Merits of actions, merits of testimonies, merits of knowledge makes truthfull person. Absolute falseness in this absence of thise...