Recent content by Warrior Therapist

  1. Warrior Therapist

    Shape Personality Test

    THE CIRCLE/BOX COMBINATION You are both well liked and respected by your colleagues. This is to be expected because of your friendly nature (Circle) and your efficient work habits (Box). You have the unusual ability to remain organized in the middle of chaos. Your files are cross-referenced and...
  2. Warrior Therapist

    A Better World?

    Do you want to improve the world? I don't think it can be done. The world is sacred. It can't be improved. If you tamper with it, you'll ruin it. If you treat it like an object, you'll lose it. There is a time for being ahead, a time for being behind; a time for being in motion, a time for...
  3. Warrior Therapist

    INFJ males who are you attracted too?

    If we're going by just type, I think I'd be most interested in either an ENFP or another INFJ. As for my own tastes: I'd like someone who can switch at will between serious and playful, who can be both fun and intelligent, who can just sit and talk for hours or come out for an adventure. I'd...
  4. Warrior Therapist

    How often have you fallen in love?

    Call it love, call it a crush, call it a simple reaction... whatever it is, I've certainly had it. Maybe it was stronger sometimes than others, but it was there. The first one I fell for was, quite honestly, the girl living next door to me. She and her family was the latest in a series of...
  5. Warrior Therapist

    INFJ teenagers?

    As a teen, I know I was very introverted, and while I was friendly to everyone, I don't know if you could say I had many close friends, though I did have a solid group I hung out with during high school. I was a great student, but had no public speaking ability. The reason I know this is...
  6. Warrior Therapist

    If type were a color...

    I don't know about the other types, but I always thought of INFJ as a blue type, being the color of peace, life, wisdom, etc. Of course, it could just be I'm very partial to blue.
  7. Warrior Therapist

    INFJ & Enneagram

    I'd say I'm a 4w5. I initially saw myself as a 5, but I knew I had the tendencies of a 4. One test showed me my true colors, so to speak, and deep down, I knew that I was more of an artistic and worldview-creating type than a cerebral observer type, though I imagine that I come off as such...
  8. Warrior Therapist

    "For every good thing an INFJ can do, s/he can think of seven more reasons to not do it"

    This is me about sixty to eighty percent of the time. The rest of it is me trying to be impulsive to counteract it, sometimes with good results, sometimes not. I know it seems to everyone else that I'm seriously thinking about things all the time, but honestly I'm more lucidly dreaming or...
  9. Warrior Therapist

    I can't remember for the life of me where I got that quote from, but I couldn't stop laughing...

    I can't remember for the life of me where I got that quote from, but I couldn't stop laughing when I read it. And yes, I've skimmed through Atlas Shrugged, and I think it really is that bad.
  10. Warrior Therapist

    Your Values

    I would say that my basic values boil down to: Respecting the value of life and the dignity of choice Self-improvement and objectivity Unconditional love toward others (or abiding respect, failing that) Nourishing creativity and optimism over untruths and despair
  11. Warrior Therapist

    What kind of Warrior are you?

    Your sphere is Guardian (Person of great Love and Altruism), and your class is Defender (Peaceful, yet Potent). You are a Warden. To be a Warden is to be the ultimate Guardian. Whether a physical Guardian or an essential Guardian, is up to you. You may be both. To be a physical Guardian is...
  12. Warrior Therapist

    INFJ Political Pattern

    I wouldn't know that type would determine political orientation, but I do have a fairly strong left-wing stance. I believe I qualified on the Political Compass Test as being Libertarian Left, which means I strongly favor social justice but do not necessarily want everything handled by the...
  13. Warrior Therapist

    past lives

    Hey, I did say I could have been a golden retriever in a past life. Not that I have any way of knowing, of course.
  14. Warrior Therapist

    What's awesome about being an INFJ

    I think most of the key points have been touched upon, but here's my list of reasons: Intuition mixed with compassion, so I can anticipate and attend to the needs of others The ability to entertain myself, as well as formulate material for my stories and creative writings A rich inner life...
  15. Warrior Therapist

    past lives

    I don't know that we have past lives, but I won't rule out the possibility either. I like to think I was a lot more political in one of my previous lives or more aggressive in general (a fierce soldier, perhaps?), hence I am very reserved and peaceful in my present-day dealings with others. Or...