Recent content by wolkenkraetzer

  1. wolkenkraetzer

    What martial art are you?

  2. wolkenkraetzer

    Political Stereotypes

    Have you ever heard that politics makes strange bedfellows?
  3. wolkenkraetzer

    Are you single??? or not???

    Widowed 4.5 years
  4. wolkenkraetzer

    What do you envision for your future?

    Five years from now, you could be doing any number of things. You're setting yourself up for an interesting future. You aren't ruling anything out, but you're still being proactive. You welcome any number of possibilities. (And retirement is one of 'em...) :smile: Ten years from now, you...
  5. wolkenkraetzer

    Can I be a Christian White Witch?

    OK, then: This is 'Mur-i-ca! You kin be anythin' you want... :laugh:
  6. wolkenkraetzer

    Can I be a Christian White Witch?

    Similar to what...? I need an object to your preposition.
  7. wolkenkraetzer

    Can I be a Christian White Witch?

    Can one not say that about any religion...?
  8. wolkenkraetzer

    What is wrong with INFJ men?

    Probably the same thing that's wrong with INFJs in general:
  9. wolkenkraetzer

    What does your birth date mean?

    You're dominant and powerful. You always need to be in charge. (fairly accurate) While others respect your competence, you can be a bit of a dictator. (yeah) Hard working and serious, you never let yourself down. (half right) You are exact and accurate - and you expect others to be the...
  10. wolkenkraetzer

    The Brutally Honest Personality Test

    I am "Crackpot". Where is "Crackkettle"? It also says I'm an extravert! :rofl:
  11. wolkenkraetzer

    This Test Will Reveal Your Biggest Flaw

    You got: Fear of commitment :rofl: (Certainly fails to explain my ability to remain married for thirty years...)
  12. wolkenkraetzer

    Paris Shootings, Explosion & Hostage Crisis 11/13

    Well, we can thank the Bush Administration and the Republican Congress for NOT having turned Saudi Arabia into a glass factory on September 12th...but I digress...
  13. wolkenkraetzer

    Paris Shootings, Explosion & Hostage Crisis 11/13

    Why do we give legitimacy to a group of @$$hats by conferring nonexistent statehood upon them? They're a bunch of terrorists, and we should refer to the group as "Daesh", just like the Arabs do.
  14. wolkenkraetzer

    Storytelling Talent?

    It's all in the delivery! :-) E. g.: Whenever someone asks, "How are you?", I reply with my stock "Like you wouldn't believe!" (This can be given in an Eeyore/ laconic/upbeat/with-a-wink/etc. voice.) I leave it for them to decide.