Recent content by yepunsarang

  1. yepunsarang

    Yeah, same! Ah, it's been so busy-- bit overwhelming really. Let's talk soon! Let me know when...

    Yeah, same! Ah, it's been so busy-- bit overwhelming really. Let's talk soon! Let me know when you're free :)
  2. yepunsarang

    How is everything? It's been forever!! Hoping all is well :)

    How is everything? It's been forever!! Hoping all is well :)
  3. yepunsarang

    How does one deal with having been cheated on?

    How i've been able to cope with this type of past hurt is see the whole picture of that significant other. Although they may have done something painful to you, it is always for a reason. To view the situation and their personal flaws allows you to piece together what must have happened to them...
  4. yepunsarang

    Hi! Welcome!!! :)

    Hi! Welcome!!! :)
  5. yepunsarang

    Welcome to INFJ Forums!! :m161:

    Welcome to INFJ Forums!! :m161:
  6. yepunsarang

    What happened to adorable attacking kitty avatar? I miss him!!

    What happened to adorable attacking kitty avatar? I miss him!!
  7. yepunsarang

    Hi there! That's awesome :) As they say, ENTPs make amazing lawyers! So tell me, what do you...

    Hi there! That's awesome :) As they say, ENTPs make amazing lawyers! So tell me, what do you love/hate about your profession? Be as honest as you want~
  8. yepunsarang

    [INFJ] Best Books for INFjs?

    Letters to a Young Poet A Gift from the Sea ...also second all of Doestoevsky's works! Everything is Illuminated Incredibly Loud & Incredibly Close
  9. yepunsarang

    Gracias!!!! :D How has the virtual INFJ realm been doing in my absence?

    Gracias!!!! :D How has the virtual INFJ realm been doing in my absence?
  10. yepunsarang

    I voted awesomeness ;). Btw, I LOVE your avatar...I want to pounce on kitty before kitty pounces...

    I voted awesomeness ;). Btw, I LOVE your avatar...I want to pounce on kitty before kitty pounces on me. I love how he wiggles his butt before doing his thing.
  11. yepunsarang

    Ohoho undercover? Mmm I get you, I felt the same way too as a senior. But I just realized how...

    Ohoho undercover? Mmm I get you, I felt the same way too as a senior. But I just realized how much learning and continuously growing intellectually is a trait that is deep within my spirit! So, what are you thinking about doing once you get out into the greater world? Until my next phase in...
  12. yepunsarang

    Please do!! *jumps up and down and twirls around*

    Please do!! *jumps up and down and twirls around*
  13. yepunsarang

    Hii! Long time no see :)

    Hii! Long time no see :)
  14. yepunsarang

    Stranger danger?

    Honestly, it creeps me out and amuses me at the same time. I get frazzled and probably act awkward...this probably has something to do with the fact that I am demi-sexual as well, which only heightens the experience. The way sensors go about wooing people (aka most individuals) doesn't work on...
  15. yepunsarang

    Aye aye, I remember "those days"...felt like my mind was all fried up like pancakes. But trust...

    Aye aye, I remember "those days"...felt like my mind was all fried up like pancakes. But trust me, if you're any bit like me, you'll be dreaming of sitting in a lecture hall once again *swoon*