Recent content by yjn45

  1. Y

    Happy fall everyone!! *pumpkin and fall leaves emojis*

    Happy fall everyone!! *pumpkin and fall leaves emojis*
  2. Y

    What K-dramas have you watched lately?

    I have been watching Crash landing on you
  3. Y

    Last debate

    I think Trump's camp is zombies though, because they should have already died in shame by now:neutral:
  4. Y

    [ENTJ] I'm such an old bastard.

    I think going out to eat, and going for a drive around the city or something while listening to Thundercat sound really good. Or a long walk somewhere beautiful is nice too. I can't think anything else right. I need sleep:neutral:
  5. Y

    Welcome!! I was going to say something funny, but I forgot what it was. *sad face*

    Welcome!! I was going to say something funny, but I forgot what it was. *sad face*
  6. Y

    [ENTJ] The First 2020 Presidential Debate (Biden vs Trump)

    I don't know if this was already posted or not.
  7. Y

    What current series do you watch?

    The anime one? I stopped watching after L died:nomouth:, but I did see the ending episode
  8. Y

    Happy October, everyone!! ^-^ *Pumpkin emoji*

    Happy October, everyone!! ^-^ *Pumpkin emoji*
  9. Y

    Empathy: a superpower

  10. Y

    Empathy: a superpower

    So, did you ever catch that roadrunner?
  11. Y

    Empathy: a superpower

    Mad space coyote scientist:m177:
  12. Y

    Empathy: a superpower

    Okay, I will say no to wrongbots, but why did you invent them? Are you a mad scientist?
  13. Y

    Empathy: a superpower

    Wrongbots are a thing?!?!? What should we do about them??
  14. Y

    You're welcome! Thank you, you too ^-^

    You're welcome! Thank you, you too ^-^