Recent content by YOYO

  1. YOYO

    That's What Racism Isn't

    Wow, and you're not even French ! But I suppose most Americans are secret Francophiles when they nostalgically remember the Independence War(s). And to think that without them you'd have really bad teeth, crap food; small cars that didn't work and really tiny houses. Hence why I could...
  2. YOYO

    That's What Racism Isn't

    Tribal. We always have been. One day we might grow out of it. But I doubt it. Most "racists" aren't actually racist......they're culturists and behaviourists inho (Apologies in advance to any pedantic logolepts for my incorrect usage)
  3. YOYO

    That's What Racism Isn't

    I don't like red wine
  4. YOYO

    The Most Hated Family in America

    Don't hate these people. Pity them. Forgive them. Laugh at them. Ridicule them perhaps. But don't hate them and get angry with them. You become like them if you do. They are just ignorant retarded morons. There will always be bigots like these, and there always has been. The irony kicks...