Recent content by Zoned Out Again

  1. Zoned Out Again

    Why are you nice?

    Yeah. I won't feel normal if I can't be nice. Sometimes it feels like everyone around me seem to have the asshole gene deeply embedded in their DNA. Even when they know it doesnt yield anything positive in the long run, they can't live life without being assholes. It's strange really...
  2. Zoned Out Again

    Ugly duckling syndrome?

    Good for you. Getting bullied because of my looks at a young age really messed up my self esteem. I am still finding it difficult to fully accept who I see in front of the mirror.
  3. Zoned Out Again

    To have a girl like her, is truly a dream come true. Out of all the fellas in world, she belongs...

    To have a girl like her, is truly a dream come true. Out of all the fellas in world, she belongs to you.
  4. Zoned Out Again

    2019 New Year's resolutions

    1.I really need to figure out a way to enjoy reality and stop this frequent habit of daydreaming. 2. Find a way to face and control my emotions, rather than avoiding them with alcohol or cannabis.
  5. Zoned Out Again

    The Lack of Affordable Healthcare in the US

    That sucks! I guess my country is not as "destroyed" as I thought.
  6. Zoned Out Again

    What is the Highest Form of Pleasure?

    Personally, I feel a pleasure of longer term adds more meaning in the life of an individual. Unlike the short term pleasure which just appears and disappears and leaves one feeling bored or addicted, the former lingers and aids one to learn and appreciate certain facts or principles about life...
  7. Zoned Out Again

    How do/don't you rationalize God

    Can you please give me links to websites that explains such questions or any rare knowledge about God.
  8. Zoned Out Again

    How do/don't you rationalize God

    Hmm, Interesting.
  9. Zoned Out Again

    [INFJ] Sarcasm?

    Sarcasm? I love it. But hardly use it because in this beloved third world country of mine, people just don't understand it and I really don't want to go to bed with a black eye.
  10. Zoned Out Again

    Since we've been together, in good or bad weather, loving you forever, is all I need.

    Since we've been together, in good or bad weather, loving you forever, is all I need.
  11. Zoned Out Again

    What is the Highest Form of Pleasure?

    "For the latter, it is intellectual: spontaneous pleasures end up in boredom, and worse, they make us dependent on them, and expose us to the pain of lack until they are met." Hmm, this just made me realize something. Months back, I began experimenting with edible cannabis. One day, While I was...
  12. Zoned Out Again

    Hi gaze. You are welcome. My day is going well. Hope you're having a nice day too?

    Hi gaze. You are welcome. My day is going well. Hope you're having a nice day too?
  13. Zoned Out Again

    How do/don't you rationalize God

    While reading this , I felt the same sensation I get when I take some ice-cream. Lovely write up. Weldone