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  • A what? *is curious* Besides, I am still waiting to see your arms, I hear they look fantastic. :)
    wtf? I've logged in and out...changed browsers and it still doesn't work for me....that makes no sense whatsoever. lol guess I just can't post there anymore.
    Yes, it rolls off the tongue beautifully, like poetry. I was raised on the KJV and whenever I hear a reading of Psalms in NIV, it loses a bit of that beauty and eloquence.
    the purse, because it feels too extravagant, i dunno.i feel like i should wait for a special occasion (you'd understand if you saw the purse)
    about feeling drained: family conflicts. i love my family, but won't deny i need regular breaks from them!
    i just realized you're an admin. hope the newfound authority isn't getting to your head (j/k. congrats :)
    *flexes* lol... i'm a bit outta shape lately cause i've been really sick this past month and a half but usually i'm tough!!
    I have actually seen a ton of couples where the female has been taller than a male. You can date whoever you like - sometimes the chemistry is just there regardless of physical stature.
    Yup. Both good shows. Firefly was one of the best Sc-Fi shows out there, and TSCC had some really interesting ideas. It had a lot in common with Dollhouse. An awkward start and then cancelled just as it had found it's feet.
    Usually Linux Mint 10. It's old now but I got tired of chasing after it. It's on another two hard drives and I run everything off GRUB on a tiny dedicated boot drive.
    Thanks...probably the first one I came up with that was worth saving....lol. Did you have a headache this morning from your 3 beers? lol
    Believe it or not...I actually came up with that today...I was pretty damn proud of myself. lol
    The sentiments are mutual, my dear Adminz! (; I am glad that you enjoy it so much. I am having a great time discovering everyone's tastes. I've been introduced to so many good genres through the contribution of others.
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