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  • Most of the time, yes, very much so at times. I used to be a very depressed and stressed out person but I'm so much better than I used to be, and keep getting better all the time.
    I'm mostly a hermit philosopher and borderline nun at this point.

    I probably spend about half my time researching, meditating, doing thought experiments and discussing my findings with people on the internet. The other half is split between games, music, and general nonsense and shinanigans.
    I hack things together very very rarely but I'm pretty much quit for good mostly.

    The last thing I really coded was my own blog script using KSH, grep, sed, and awk and a flat file database system of my own invention. I still have it floating around but I didn't document it and I'm not even sure what it does anymore because it's got regexs which look like gibberish due to all the escaping and making the different components talk to each other. -.-
    A Windows server is not something I would have. :P

    But yeah. Update if you're security minded. I don't bother anymore and I don't have to because I'm not working anymore. Keeping up with things is a hassle and I'm really not into this stuff anymore. It's too much like work - the bad kind.

    Just look at all the fun you had getting your stuff to work properly lately.
    I tripped over a log on my way to the gym tonight and skinned my leg.

    The log is fine.

    How are you?
    That site is hilarious and true. -.-

    Especially with the updates and legacy shit. IT WORKS. IT'S BEEN WORKING FOR YEARS and I'm not sure I want to fix it if something goes wrong because you messed with it. LEAVE. IT. ALOOOOONE!
    quite delightful at the moment. i'm searching for xmas presents on ebay, there are some very interesting vases for sale, lol.
    how's your world?
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