INFJ Forum

Truth Eternity
Truth Eternity
No problem. I'm I the same boat as you when you were my age (I'm 21 ina month). Dropped college as it wasn't for me, to find my way of achieving my dreams. It's difficult, but you seem to be a very good person and very wise.
I, too, have had my INFJ "quirks" treated like defects:
Truth Eternity
Truth Eternity
"Get your head out of the clouds! Pay more attention detail! The future isn't important, focus on the now! Stop caring for others, only focus on yourself!"
Truth Eternity
Truth Eternity
And while many of these have had great points that have helped me grow through many of my weaknesses and into a stronger person, they have, at the same time, weakened me and not only discouraged me from being my self, but have really broken my trust with others, that is being myself around others. And that isn't something I can just force through, I've been trying, slowly but surely, to so so for a couple years now.
Truth Eternity
Truth Eternity
But what's helped me the most is to remember to follow my heart. And that's what you should always do, if I were to give you some advice. No matter what, your heart knows what you need most, so follow it and never stray. I would comment even more, but I'm heading home from work. Have a nice day.
There are 2 times where you can't do anything: yesterday and tomorrow. You need focus in today. Nice to learn there things at 21 years old. I'm learning with 45.... But better late then never! Hope you have success with your decisions!