INFJ Forum

"I should put an end to it soon. Maybe I'll toss a coin :D" Terrible suicide plan!
Daustus! Such black humour :P
Oh that's pretty tame for me in real life :P
I wonder how dark it must become when you are s t o n e d
Lady Jolanda
Lady Jolanda
Daustus, I'm sure that even a coin toss can be used as a suicide method if thrown from a sufficient height. Gravity will do the rest. ;)

I wouldn't recommend it though. The gravestone will read "Here lies... He was a tosser."
Lady Jolanda
Lady Jolanda
So Ren, any more thoughts on your type? :)
Not really, unfortunately :-/ I'm still in that weird limbo state where I feel like a bit of both. Maybe like you with NTP and NFP?
Maybe we've broken the model :D
Lady Jolanda
Lady Jolanda
Haha! Actually, I have given it a lot of thought since you asked for my opinion in Hos's hijacked thread. :D

I'm not convinced yet. Pretty much every argument given for you being INFP hasn't convinced me cause weak ("My gut tells me..." good for your gut sir) or cause I can think of counters for it.
I haven't found the one definitive proof yet, and while I haven't, I'm sticking with my previous ideas. (INFJ)
Lady Jolanda
Lady Jolanda
Your response to your type inquiry with "Let's try on INFP for a while, see how it feels" does prove you have a preference for feeling over thinking, as you're using the feeling process to make a decision. (No thinker would use this method, they'd simply wage the pro's and cons.)
Interesting! I was wondering if you'd thought about it. I kind of agree with you, to be honest—there were many 'gut-based' arguments and I'm usually not convinced by those. The one that struck me as the most compelling was about inferior Te but then again, I think in my real life I also show signs of inferior Se, so...
As for being a feeler, yes I agree with you. I'm definitely a feeler. I'm pretty sure I'm INFx so I've narrowed things down but the last letter remains open. Also I should say I resonate more with INFJs than INFPs, unless the INFJs in question are just mistyped INFPs ;)
Lady Jolanda
Lady Jolanda
Yes, the inferior Te argument peeked my interest as well, and I need more information on that one.

Can you think of any "inferior Te" moments in your life? Or any "inferior Se" moments?
(By the way, we don't have to continue this discussion on the profile page lol.)