INFJ Forum

And I didn't get that you were legit concerned about this person, so it's cool on that. Again, I'm seeing it otherwise.
Did you see how many absurd, stupid threads and posts I made with the Circle thing? How you deduced that it was somehow a personal insult ... I don't know how you come to that conclusion. Because I posted a couple shitty blurry photos? The circle thing was literally SO stupid and not in any way meant to be harmful. There was a lot of tension on the forum and that's how I broke it.
You see it otherwise in that you disagree that I was concerned about the person and spiritual bypassing and gaslighting which I find to be literal abuse? Or you see it otherwise in that now you understand why I posted that?
Ok, now on the apology side you are underestimating how I approach a conflict, I am really remorseful of something if I consider myself being insensitive/wrong/... towards someone. I was to you. That's why I came with judgemental stick argument. I am aware of what I did and I'm continuously reevaluating myself on this.
Yeah but..I don't know the intention of the Circle thing, why did you do it? Didn't take it personally though it was close. It's just stupid because of the sake of being stupid?
dragulagu Cool.
I don't see the gaslighting part on this, no. Is she gaslighting herself?
The circle thing was specifically a result of being attacked in my blog (you participated in that by the way) as well as in my interview thread and in a couple other places and I thought I could either do something stupid to break the tension, or I could get in conflict. I chose to do something stupid. That's literally all it was.
Spiritual bypassing to me, is like this: I say I have a headache and someone tells me that it's just me "ascending" spiritually. They invalidate my legit concern for my health by explaining it away with some spirtual event when the truth may be that I am about to have a stroke. If I believe this spiritual bypasser, my health could be in danger.
People who get into a spirtual path when they are mentally unwell can often use what people in the spiritual community say to explain away their symtpoms and their struggles and it can actually prevent them from addressing very serious mental and physical health concerns.
Because she has openly shared she had very serious psychiatric issues in the past, I was extremely concerned that this was being ignored and symptoms she was sharing she explained away as basically becoming enlightened when it's actually happening repeatedly to the point that she's breaking down on a regular basis. But she does NOT acknowledge that it's actually a mental illness anymore.
The people who are commenting and liking it are encouraging this behaviour and also explaining it away with spiritual buzzwords. Saying something is something other than it really is, to me, is gaslighting and it's very dangerous. This is something I talk about a lot on other platforms but I was very concerned about it the other day and shared my thoughts.
This goes away beyond someone sharing that they had a difficult experience and were able to cope with meditation or prayer for example. It's taking literal symptoms of a serious disorder and convincing herself that it's "ascending spiritually." I think anyone would agree that is extremely dangerous.
Ok, I get your point. Do you know that person personally though or just by the information that person has shared online. Because if she does this openly, to me, it's rather a ply for help or understanding rather than seeking enlightenment itself. I get your point though in regards to spirituality.
Though I don't get the full context of the whole situation without having actually read the whole topic. But to me it's not gaslighting to me, rather misinformation (on a spiritual side). The not taking it as a mental condition worries me though. And honestly, it's nice to consider that much.
I get where it goes to though...spiritual enlightenment and being stuck in it as a safe haven.. it's worrisome..
To me it's gaslighting. I know that sounds extreme, but when you express that you feel something and someone else tries to convince you out of it by telling you their "spirit guides" told them... whatever... that's abusing someone's ignorance and vulnerability.

I do know her personally, yes.
I have no problems with people seeking enlightenment or going down a spiritual path. I think it can enhance people's lives. But if I break my arm, what good does it do me to imagine my spirit guides telling me that I should just drink more water and rest? I mean, I need to get that dealt with, you know what I mean?
Ok, if you know her personally, then I'm assuming the whole of this is it possible to pull her out of it and do something together with her that jumps her back on some kind of proper trail? I got the impression that she just need some solid starting ground to start from. Yeah I know what you mean. That spiritual path certainly is not the one she should be taking..
Anyway, best tip I can give, if you can do something together to re-jump her situation..go for it. If you can't then...fight on. Though I don't think it'll help in the end if too many people are supporting her with the wrong spiritual intentions. My 2 cents here. Good luck..