INFJ Forum

Yes, that makes sense to me.
Sometimes even, words dilute an experience.
just me
just me
A pure heart speaks things some people cannot understand.
When understood, it is like flowers of the Daffodil reaching through a thin blanket of freshly fallen snow.
Aren't you poetic? it's true though.
Do you ever feel that way? That your words are lost on some?
just me
just me
My words are like the bulb and roots of the Daffodil to some. I often feel them being trampled under foot by children. When trampled by a child, I show the bud. The child may try to step around the roots. Few there be that grab the daffodil and pull it from the earth, examining the entire plant. Even fewer replant the little flowers. When I see the child sharing , I feel understood.
just me
just me
...and your words? Are they like the sounds of silence? Our words danced a bit, even though we were sharing a song. Our choices of verses mean a lot. Are you as understood as sharing a song's words?
Sometimes. I'm just a mirror; I can only show people their reflection. We tend to see what we're looking for.

Those were symbolic verses, weren't they? ^_^
just me
just me
Be cautious: I'm not seeing myself. Your reflective coating may be wearing away in places. True: we often see what we are looking for. There are a lot of great words spoken on this forum. I have grown close to a few here without realizing what was happening. Allow me to warn you I am but a half-crippled and married old man.
just me
just me
Though I love your reflections. We should talk often.
Wearing away? maybe so, mirrors get old too after a while ^_^
There's nothing wrong with being a half-crippledd married old man, though thank you for letting me know.
I agree, there's so many educated and insightful people here!
just me
just me
It's nice to get a glimpse through a mirror.
What do you see?
just me
just me
Hands and heart reaching beyond the mirror: a mirror that has lost its need. A seed pod dropping its seeds. A morning glory starting the day. All this pleas, and I hope not other.
Interesting ^_^ I wonder if it's true
just me
just me
Behold the heavens on a clear night. Clouds and storms may block our vision of the heavens, but they are still there. The places we stand may move, and it may appear rather the stars and planets are moving. In all their glory, our hearts and minds may wonder at them. Do the heavens wonder at a good heart, mind, and soul? Surely they know we are still here. We know.
Why must we be separate things?
just me
just me
Separate, as individuals? Separate, as mentioning the heart, mind, and soul? Separate from the universe? Our hearts are used to represent our love and empathy. Our minds, as in the way we were born gifted and how we think. Our souls are mentioned because of spiritual things.
Or do you mean something else?
All of the above.
just me
just me
What do you believe, if I may ask?
just me
just me
We can talk in conversation, if you like. Your choice.
You mean, my exegesis on our universe?