INFJ Forum

Well, sure! Love the name of your blog, bud.
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John K
John K
Glad you like it :). That’s one amazing tale it comes from. Are you a David Lindsay fan?
I don’t remember ever having heard of him, but after looking him up I can’t believe it! As a teenager I was very into CS Lewis, especially his theological works. I haven’t read Lewis since having walked away from Christianity, but I continue to have immense respect for him on a number of levels. Anyways, what caught me was the degree to which Lewis lauded Lindsay. I read an article that quoted Lewis in an essay that
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that definitely grabbed me:
“[David Lindsay] is the first writer to discover what ‘other planets’ are really good for in fiction. No merely physical strangeness or merely spatial distance will realise that idea of otherness which is what we are always trying to grasp in a story about voyaging through space: you must go into another dimension. To construct plausible and moving ‘other worlds’
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