INFJ Forum

Let me think about your first question, and I will get back to you.
Beautiful flower. Mine are Clerodendrum Thomsoniae or Passiflora Incarnata. :)
I keep circling back to write you a response, only to delete it some moments later. You have me stumped. I guess I could postulate that suffering is linked to everything; for even in the throes of ecstasy one suffers its inevitable end. Suffering, at least for me, is now as routine as making a kettle of tea. I might add more thoughts to this later.

What is suffering for you?
Hmmm. There are lots of little things that can cause me pain, or anguish, but many of these I can tolerate or sometimes need to feel.
Suffering though, to me is something people should never go through if they can help it. To me it is being forced to waste my human potential; to be subsumed into something meaningless as an object for its comfort. For me that is a living death, without death's peace & quiet.