INFJ Forum

just me
just me
Light pierces through the darkness, and we see. There are many ways to see. Those who have lost sight often accept it. Yet, they see. Focusing on seeing through this can lead to frustration, though it will lead to understanding. They see. This same experience can be for those who do not hear.
just me
just me
We can sense darkness. I love it at night. Last night appeared to be a full moon. This evening, as the sun goes away from our vision of sight, Passover begins. The very presence of God is felt the world over. The full moon, surrounded with stars and planets, will glorify the works of God. When we focus on all these things, we find our view of light expresses itself best when surrounded by darkness.
just me
just me
Darkness is used to exemplify the light. Look up this evening. Embrace the vision. View the constellations we can view. Imagine being part of the light. We no longer focus on the darkness, but the light. Embracing this can almost feel like a miracle, as we are part of the light. Those with crooked heads can now feel straight. Look up. The blind can
now feel vision.
just me
just me
The lame can walk. The broken can be made whole. The sick can be healed. The crooked is made straight. The dead can walk. You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hid.
just me
just me
Eyes will be made straight. Speech will be made whole. Shout, "The Spirit of The Lord is upon us, and we are The Temple of God. The Spirit of God dwells within us." The Temple of God is Holy, which you are. I am beautiful. I am courageous. I am love.

I am.
just me
just me
I am strong, though many can see or sense my strength.
I am meek but most powerful. I am poor in spirit, though
many can see or sense a strong spirit. Our spirits are one.
just me
just me
I am thankful, and my spirit is thankful. I speak and pray thanks to God. It is written, " Not everyone shall enter into the kingdom of Heaven; but those that do the Will of God. Let each of us be exemplified by God. We are light in the darkness.
just me
just me
L:ooking into another person's eyes reveals the face in retrospect, and we can feel their energy and see all things while focused on the eyes
archaic : reference to or regard of a precedent or authority Be close to the words.