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  • *lol* I just read that you like Scrubs too. Okay, so now I am curious...what other Things do you like besides Scrubs and hopefully Supernatural? :D
    Lol! I might take you up on that "lending." But...yeah, I've also learned how bit torrent works and...bad baby! No biscuit. :p
    *lol* Ima sooo kick their Nuts then. =P

    Oh and also...about Supernatural. If you really like it I could, you know, uh...*cough* "lend it" to you. =P
    Lol. They had their own actual band - acid jazz - which was nice, but not at 11:30pm! Drums, snare, bass, name it. :p And no, it wasn't any special day. It was a Saturday, and that was about it. I wouldn't have made a big deal, but...well, I actually wanted to sleep and it felt like going to sleep in a full concert. Yah. Not happenin'.
    Thanks for your Friend Request!
    Bwahaha, before I spam the Mood Thread Ima continue here I guess. =P
    I am sooo gonna slice'n'dice your Neighbours if they dun behave. Hrhrhrhr. xD
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