really!?!? baby boxers??? ahahahahahaha
I look at the punches too <-- it looks scary!!!
how many years have you been boxing!!?!?!? it really really really really looks scary and COOL
imagine being a girl

and being able to kick and punch people

I never knew boxing is a martial art!!!!! I thought taekwondo and other stuffs are like martial arts
yeah I have thought about dancing and martial arts... it really is kinda similar.. there's this type of martial arts I think that has some dancing in it plus gymnastics.. it's really cool!!!
but really WOW it's really cool to know how to box

dancing.. I actually focus on ballet since last year and it is really hard to catch up because I started ballet when I was about 4 until I was around 8 or 9 then I stopped and started dancing different types of dances like ballroom, jazz, hip hop, contemporary and blah blah blah ahhahaha but then I was like.. hmmm

if I want to go somewhere in the dance world.. then i'd have to li

ke have the skills of a ballerina ahahaha and now.. it's hard..
i'm used to just dance and express and flow with the music and be in like a trance when dancing but in ballet.... it's like you have to be really really really good in mastering the technique before you can dance it really well
and i'm not going to give up!!


sorry i'm really talkative.. kinda ahahahaha