I know exactly what you mean! It's discouraging to put alot of effort into posts just to be ingored. It really sucks. I think your blog would be very interesting. I'd definitely read it. (I don't think that helps much though).

I was worried when I wrote my blog too. Honestly, most people won't relate to me or my life. I decided to do it for me and only me, regardless of what others thought. That allowed me to make it more personal and write out what I'm truly feeling. I think there are lots of people on the forum who would understand your relationship issues. There are many people on here who are brokenhearted. Even if you don't do a blog, please keep posting!! Your responses are very helpful and insightful.
BTW You're not a clone at all, we're INFJ's so we're all similar but we have our own quirks and experiences which sets us apart and makes us each unique. If that makes any kind of sense at all. lol It sounded right in my head.