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  • ...I was NOT the person who added pirates to it. It must have been DJ's doing. It could only been an admin or tech admin who would've done it. I wouldn't put it past NAI to do that either. And ya know what, I never realised how much an oxymoron ninja pirate is. Wonderful observation!
    Dang I missed it! I am still on the road love.. but once I get settled in Mass, I should be on more. <3 Many Tinychat's shall ensue. :wink: Love ya! :m032:
    Ahh road rash protection. I would look at joe rocket for riding clothing. I wear shoei helmets. They cost you a little more but feel so nice on your head. Hjc makes nice helmets too. Look for close out stuff too. I like to go try the gear on and then go look for it online and buy it on close out. Saved a lot of money that way too. Even used gear is ok. Most people don't ride that much so most used helmets are barely used. And jackets can be had too. Pawn shops could be your friend right now! Any other questions let me know! This is one place I go shop at.
    Thanks my friend. You don't know how much better that makes me feel. My mind thinks she's way off, but a small part of the heart is not sure if she's right. *smooches********
    More green and nice things like shade. However it being the summer humidity tends to be rough. I dunno about out west since I've never been further west than Dallas, but here in the southeast the bugs are terrible during the summer. Ticks, fleas, and mosquitoes just to name a few.

    So keep yer bug spray handy and be ready to sweat! heheh
    how's it going my favorite goddess. Is all well with you? i've been out of the loop with everyone
    Ah I see. I totally missed that comment. I'm glad you pointed it out though, because abuse is abuse regardless of whether it hurts the body or targets the mind and heart. It is destructive either way.

    Well then I admire your restraint. I don't think they are intentionally downplaying the gravity of it--I just think they don't understand. Who knows-- maybe they are currently suffering in that situation and are in a state of denial.
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